Sunday, July 24, 2011

Weekend of Annoyances

I hate Sunday nights.  I really do.  You work so hard for 5 days just to get to that 2 days of freedom, and then they're over so fast!  *Insert wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sound here.

Anyway.  We had a very good, quiet weekend.  For the first time in a month, we didn't spend half a Saturday gallavanting through 164 houses.......which while thats been fun, it was nice to not spend half a day with a realtor yesterday.  Outside of the stifling weather, we had a nice couple of days just hanging out with each other.  Just a couple little thorns to the weekend though........

1.  Our pool.  We live in a "ritzier" part of Columbus (taxes and school wise, we could never afford to buy a home here), but that doesn't mean that your everyday dub-t (white trash, haha) can't afford to live in the same apartments Chris and I do.  For the last couple of weeks, everytime I or we have gone to our side of the complex's pool, it's like a family reunion or some party or a cookout or SOMETHING where SOMEONE has 186 kids running around and it's just TRASHY and STUPID.  It's irritating that people who spend (way too much) money to live here can't just go relax and hang out without people treating the pool like it's their own private backyard.  Today I finally gave up and drove to the main pool (1/2 mi down the road) that's attached to the clubhouse, and it was much better.  Whatever.  Only a few more weeks of summer-type pool weather left, and we won't be here next summer to deal with it. 

2.  People and their non-behaving kids in public.  Seriously.  I know, I know, we don't have kids, we can't talk until we do.  Oh yes I can.  Chris & I went to the Outback last night.  Not a super ritzy place, but not a dollar-menu type place either, and what did we get for our money?  Some good food as always.......and some unseen kid (with people in the bar area, of all places)....randomly, and OFTEN, SCREECHING.  Screaming.  Crying.  Back to screeching.  Not one time did we see parents try to walk around with the kid, take him or her outside, or even did we hear them trying to calm the child.  My thought is that since it was 9:30 it was probably past the kid's bedtime, and it didn't sound like a little baby, but a small child who at least could have been hushed or given something to play with.  $10 says the parents just ignored the kid, thinking that their darling child couldn't possibly have been annoying anyone.  Even the waiters were apologizing to their tables.  Insane.  One word.  Babysitters.

3.  Foreign people.  This is a touchy subject, and I'm not racist, not really.  But seriously......Chris and I went ahead and did our grocery shopping last night at Walmart, and we were seriously the minority in the store.  Somalians, Indians, gets old.  It really does.  It's not nice of me to say, and I know that.  But seriously.  You live in our country.  We take showers here.  And women aren't forced to wear 35 layers of clothing when it's 110* outside.  And we speak English.  I feel like I'm allowed to have a little liberty with this subject considering where I work.  I deal with it everyday.  And it is a much larger problem than I ever realized, but that's a whole other discussion.

4.  This weather.  I've said it for awhile and I'll keep saying that I'll take this over snow anyday, but really.  Enough with the heat.  It is enough to make you physically ill. 

5.  My car.  My '99 Chevy Malibu is about to hit 146,000 miles and has served me well....but we use that car for everything.  Not only do we take it to TH everytime we go there (500 miles roundtrip), but when we lived on the northeast side of town and I worked west, I drove that car, and now that we live on the northwest side and I work east, it's slowly but surely costing us money.  Lots of it.  Two new tires.  New rotors, pads & calipers.  New hub bearing.  Exchanged rotors and pads.  Over it.  We may have to put off this house business for a little while b/c it's not going to last much longer.  Chris would take over driving the Malibu and/ or Blazer, b/c it's not like either of them are worth anything to trade in and we just need a newer vehicle.  We looked at a couple yesterday (in this disgusting heat) and found one in particular we liked, so we'll see.  So many big things are coming up or being discussed that I kind of want to just go curl up in a corner in fetal position and cry, because I don't feel like we can do all these big things at once. Car, houses, babies? I just want to go back to Bethel (no preference, either house would do, although 1806 was nicer) and go be a teller everyday and have date nights with my then-boyfriend on Friday nights. Wahhhhhhhh.

6.  Amy Winehouse is dead.  At 27.  Drug overdose, I'm sure.  Don't even see the need to talk about it - just a wasted life.  She was a hot mess in every sense of the term.

7.  NFL Lockout is on day like 17247 and I'm over it.  Get a deal done already.  I'm definitely not one of those fans who's like "I have been turned OFF and I'm not watching one more game as long as I live," but seriously - they are fighting over billions of dollars.  BILLIONS.  I've said it before and I'll say it again - let a couple women get in there and negotiate.  $10 says it would've been done in 2 weeks.  Too much testosterone in those conference rooms.  Get.  It.  Done.  Preseason starts in 18 days and Dallas' opening Sunday Night game at the Jets is in.......7 weeks from today.  From right now.  49 days.  Get it going.

8.  Big Brother 13.  Sucked me in this year and I just want to punch Rachel in the face.  It's one of those games that I think I'd be really good at........... ;-)

Fortunately, Chris & I had a really nice weekend together......not really doing anything spectacular but just being together....laughing and sleeping in and hanging out.  I know that I take him for granted sometimes, but this weekend was a really good reminder of what a good man I married.  :)  <3

That is all.  I'm ready to get this 4-day week over with and be home for a few days!  So it's like tomorrow isn't even Monday, it's like it's Tuesday already......... ;-)

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