Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Epic. Fail.

I hate when people use the word "epic." "Dude, that was an EPIC night!" "Wow, what an epic movie." "I drove my car into a pole. And I was sober. Epic fail."

I HATE THAT. Epic is used all too often, and 99.9% of the time, used completely incorrectly. Or in the wrong instances. Epic, 9 times out of 10, refers to a poem.....but the 4th definition on dictionary.com is this:

4. of unusually great size or extent: a crime wave of epic proportions.

Of unusally great size or extent. Add that to failure. And you get....

The verdict in today's Casey Anthony trial.

1st degree murder: not guilty. Aggraveted manslaughter of a child: not guilty. Providing false information to a law officer: guilty.

Seriously??? I can't even wrap my head around this. As she listened to the verdict, her face just was disbelief. Then tears. THEN A SMILE!??!!?

This woman, who I say I COMPLTELY BELIVE IS GUILTY AS SIN, is now going to be allowed to walk free. She's free! She can do whatever she wants! She can go back to getting tattoos and going partying, and drinking, and all those things she did when poor Caylee was "missing" because SOMEHOW, our legal system has failed. AGAIN (see October 1995). My heart broke at work as I watched the news come through.....not even so much for Caylee (although that poor little girl.....I hope when she died it was fast), but for this supposed GREAT American justice system. We live in the greatest country in the world and I'm thankful that I live here.....but the system backfired, big time, today. SOMEONE was paid off and I'm convinced of that. I just can't believe that 12 jurors (7 of them women), all sane, working, contributing members of society, actually THOUGHT this woman is innocent. I just can't believe it.

My mom brought up a great point today when we were rehashing it on my way home. In this country, you are better off as a DOG than a child. Look at Michael Vick. He may play for my most hated team in the NFL, but you know what? He served TWENTY-ONE months plus another 2 months of home confinement for "Conspiracy to Travel in Interstate Commerce in Aid of Unlawful Activities and to Sponsor a Dog in an Animal Fighting Venture." Almost TWO YEARS for DOG FIGHTING.

I love animals. I really do. But they're not children. And it is really sad when this country has more protection over four-legged animals than they do children. That poor, poor baby.

Facebook about blew up today. Just some of the thoughts floating around in my world on facebook.....
I can't believe this!!! NOT GUILTY! I'm so disappointed!! IQ tests for jurors should be a necessity! Come on!
Hey Casey Anthony jury.... hope you feel good about decision. You have to live with it the rest of your life.
I'm just gonna say ANYBODY who fails to report their 2 yr old MISSING for 31 days is damn well guilty of something beyond a reasonable doubt
Is it April 1st? Hmmm... seems like bad joke is being played on all of us #notguiltymya$$
Wow. Flashback to October 3, 1995...
In total disbelief that they found Casey Anthony Not Guilty on Murder or Aggragvated Manslaughter, yet guilty on providing false information. What about hiding the death of her daughter for 30 days???? Her own parents walked out. And so now she gets out!!! She WILL answer to a higher power, just not soon enough. God forgive me for feeling this way.
OJ 2.0
American citizens will help Casey Anthony settle in just fine...She is such a joke and will get what she deserves one way or another! I cant imagine all the hate mail/ dirty looks/death threats/bad service she is gonna get for the rest of her life!!! Can you imagine when she walks into a restaraunt or store....
Casey Anthony should get the Sixth Amendment tattooed on her face. It certainly saved her life.
I am sure that Casey's lawyers are trying to get body guards for her lined up - that is why they did not ask for her to be released immediately - they know that there will be "street justice" heaped upon her!
When the verdict was read Casey's face said it all! She was shocked she was found NOT guilty! There may have been gaps but Im sorry I was young when I had Kiley [18] and I missed out on things but I would never kill my child to have a good time and I would know if she was missing!!! The justice system is messed up and this is why I do not own a gun!!!
Maybe instead of having 12 people decide her fate, they should have polls where we can call/text in like American Idol. Ridiculous!
I would love to know just exactly who that jury believes is guilty! What info are the rest of us missing here?!
Praying for Caylee. Not guilty, I'm not so sure.
I am disgusted by the verdict of the Casey Anthony trial. This is the OJ Simpson of this decade. The fact that a 2 year old can die and be thrown in a woods and no one pay the price is a true disgrace. Amazing how we live in a country that continues to reward people who lie, who live immorally and selfishly, who see children as objects. Buy a lotto ticket, Casey.
Are you kidding me? Wow the system has failed on this one.

And the one word that sums up this whole, big, stupid world:


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