Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentine's Weekend

This time last year, I had made a major chink in my marriage's armor. It was a strained weekend with friends, and of course it all came crashing down around my ears about a month later.

Of course I still regret every moment that put Chris in any kind of pain and put such a burden on our relationship. However, this past year has been probably one of the most productive years we as a couple have experienced. In the 8 years we've been together, this was the most challenging one. The fact that Chris gave me (a lot) of 2nd chances is the most amazing thing; the next most amazing is that how I feel about him after everything, and how he still feels about me. It really is true that you don't know what you have til it's gone - and while it never got to either of us leaving - it came close. And we've come out on the other side of it. Stronger.

So anyway. We went down to Lexington, KY to stay with some friends over the weekend, and we had a lot of fun. More on that tomorrow.

But let's just say one of the biggest highlights of the trip was today, on our way back. We had the radio off, Chris was driving, I was just sitting in the passenger seat, and we were just....quiet. Commenting on random things we passed, but we were completely comfortable in the silence. The smallest things - are the biggest things.

Without a doubt - I am lucky.

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