Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tired and tidbits

I am exhausted. Absolutely exhausted. I've gone to bed every night this week fully confident that I would fall right asleep b/c I have been SO worn out. But no. I read, turn out the light, and toss. And turn. And toss. And turn. I haven't fallen asleep within 2 hours of turning out my light in I can't tell you how long. Today I finally fell into a deep sleep when I woke up and saw my clock said 5:22. Sweet. My alarm goes off at 6.

I don't know what the deal is. My back has been giving me problems but I've been working through it as best I can. It's not like I can't "turn my head off," I literally just can't fall asleep. Chris finally pushed me out of bed at 6:35 this morning (good thing I shower at night). I literally got up, brushed my teeth, washed my face, threw my hair in a ponytail, got dressed in the dark, and was out the door at 6:45. I don't even care.

I'm grumpy today, and I know me being tired doesn't help. My best bet is probably just to keep my mouth shut all day today so as to not overly piss anyone off.

Even worse is here at work we have instant messenger which is really nice when you have a quick question for someone at another office but don't want to call them.......or just to bs now and then.....and the girl I'm closest to (BA at another office) has been on vacation for a week. I've had no one to vent to, and I'm about to lose it.

I guess no tidbits for now. I'm too worn out. And annoyed.

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