Well, friends, how did you do with last year's "resolutions"??
I say this with a little (okay maybe more than a little) sarcasm, because I buy so little into "New Years Resolutions." All week on facebook, and especially today, it's just so.......amusing? Annoying? Enlightening? ...to read what people say they WILL do.....starting tomorrow. What makes 1/1 so earth-shattering anyway? If you really want to stop eating all junk food, no more crap! no more fast food!, why wait til tomorrow? Just start today....it's not like that that resolution will actually hold up for more than a week. Can people do it? Sure. But all the people I know are just regular people looking for a healthier life.......and depriving yourself ALL the time of things you like just isn't healthy! But anyway. Ready to get the next 2 weeks over with so the gym will be back to normal (I've been running inside lately - except for today, it has been TOO wet and snowy outside to run outdoors!!)
So, a look back at my "goals" from last year, written on 1/5/10........
1. Improve my relationship with God: I'd say that I haven't accomplished this as much as I wanted to, but on a big upside, when I've made the effort, Chris has been in on the act, too. We've attended church together this year, and that's huge. It seems every single week this year brought new challenges and heartache, but the constant reminder to myself to "give it to God" has been a big comfort. This goal is ongoing and something I look forward to improving upon again this year.
2. Say "no" more often: at work, this definitely was accomplished! I have set some strict boundaries at work and am reaping the benefits of doing so. My boss respects me more, as do my coworkers. I probably still say "yes" more often than necessary, but who knew that saying "no" could be so gratifying?
3. Live my life for me.......another goal that is hard to put into black and white, but still one that I don't think I quite accomplished. I still think that, even at 27, I put too much stock into how others perceive me. It bothers me when I feel judged, and it bothers me when I think people are mad at me. This is probably something that won't ever change, but my need to please other people has slowed down some.........and I need to live by a good motto: "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."
4. Run a mini-marathon: well, this didn't happen in 2010. But, I made some huge strides, hitting my longest run (6 miles) during the summer, and increasing my speed and endurance. Plus, I actually SIGNED UP for a mini in May of 2011, so it is something I definitely will achieve this year! 18 weeks, 1 day and counting! The training has already begun!
5. Write down one good thing everyday........definitely didn't write down something everyday.......but the overall goal of looking for the positive helped this year. There were some times that looking for the good things was the ONLY thing that kept me from getting too wrapped up in the bad & ugly. So.......another one to continue work on this year.
So, that's how I did. I've been thinking about some concrete, black & white goals to work towards in 2011, and I'll be putting pen to paper (or fingers to keys) in the next couple of days.
I hope everyone has a safe and fun New Year's tonight! It'll be the first one in a long time that we'll be by ourselves.........may be the first, if I think about it!
So long, 2010!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Unanswered Prayers
I like numbers. A lot. I'm good with them. And people think I have a weird "thing" with numbers...which is probably true. At my job, every job site has a 3-digit number that is used to track all time & materials that go to that job throughout the year. We have 200 or so sites...I can rattle off the numbers at the drop of a hat for about 195 of them. I still remember the phone numbers of my best friends from 5th grade. And....I remember dates.
Today is December 29.
For 9 years now, this day hasn't held much meaning. But in 2000 and 2001, it had a a LOT of meaning. My junior year of high school, I worked at JCPenney and this guy started working there. His name was Shaun. Eventually, our boss had to quit putting us on the same shift b/c we always had a little too much fun laughing and talking. That didn't stop us from starting to talk outside of work as much as possible, and eventually, start dating. He was a freshman at ISU, so Mom & Dad were a little leery at first, but he won them over, and I was smitten.
And December 29, 2000 - he asked me to be his girlfriend (I just have to laugh at that. How cheesy that sounds now!)
That next year - the end of my junior and beginning of my senior year - was a lot of fun. He was my date to senior prom. He was in on my surprise 18th birthday. We went to King's Island together, and he came on our family vacation to Myrtle Beach, SC that summer. I called him from every spot possible when I was in Europe for 2 weeks.
Unfortunately, our lives were just too different. He couldn't go back to ISU for the spring semester b/c his mom & dad were divorced (I never met his mom), and his mom wasn't holding up her end of the deal to help him through school. He moved in with friends in Terre Haute, and for awhile, things were okay. But he was a full -fledged grownup, with bills to pay and rent due every month. There wasn't a lot of time leftover for me, and at 17/18, I probably wasn't the least bit understanding why he couldn't spend more time with me. Right after our first "anniversary," he moved to Indianapolis to live with his best friend Joe (and Joe's g/f, and Joe's mom). Things quickly went downhill from there. We "officially" broke up on February 20, 2002 - in my high school's parking lot (he drove from Indy and didn't want to have to see my family, and I let him get away with it). The last time I ever spoke to him was the day I got my acceptance letter from Ball State. At that time, he told me not to f it up like he did. And that he was already dating someone else.
I was heartbroken. Fortunately, not having to see him made it easier, and with the end of my high school career coming to a quick end, there was a lot to keep me distracted. Prom, picnics, banquets and parties with my friends helped it to not be so "traumatic." But for awhile, I was sad. Shaun had given me a "promise ring," and I was as sure as the sky is blue that we'd end up together. But it obviously didn't end up that way. And there are random times and days, like today, that he'll cross my mind. I haven't spoken to him in almost 9 years, and sometimes I just wonder about him. I don't pine for him, I don't wonder what might have been. I just am....wistful? No....wrong word. Just....wondering. Wondering how his life turned out. And....to quote an old cheesy Garth Brooks song..........thanking God for unanswered prayers.
Today is December 29.
For 9 years now, this day hasn't held much meaning. But in 2000 and 2001, it had a a LOT of meaning. My junior year of high school, I worked at JCPenney and this guy started working there. His name was Shaun. Eventually, our boss had to quit putting us on the same shift b/c we always had a little too much fun laughing and talking. That didn't stop us from starting to talk outside of work as much as possible, and eventually, start dating. He was a freshman at ISU, so Mom & Dad were a little leery at first, but he won them over, and I was smitten.
And December 29, 2000 - he asked me to be his girlfriend (I just have to laugh at that. How cheesy that sounds now!)
That next year - the end of my junior and beginning of my senior year - was a lot of fun. He was my date to senior prom. He was in on my surprise 18th birthday. We went to King's Island together, and he came on our family vacation to Myrtle Beach, SC that summer. I called him from every spot possible when I was in Europe for 2 weeks.
Unfortunately, our lives were just too different. He couldn't go back to ISU for the spring semester b/c his mom & dad were divorced (I never met his mom), and his mom wasn't holding up her end of the deal to help him through school. He moved in with friends in Terre Haute, and for awhile, things were okay. But he was a full -fledged grownup, with bills to pay and rent due every month. There wasn't a lot of time leftover for me, and at 17/18, I probably wasn't the least bit understanding why he couldn't spend more time with me. Right after our first "anniversary," he moved to Indianapolis to live with his best friend Joe (and Joe's g/f, and Joe's mom). Things quickly went downhill from there. We "officially" broke up on February 20, 2002 - in my high school's parking lot (he drove from Indy and didn't want to have to see my family, and I let him get away with it). The last time I ever spoke to him was the day I got my acceptance letter from Ball State. At that time, he told me not to f it up like he did. And that he was already dating someone else.
I was heartbroken. Fortunately, not having to see him made it easier, and with the end of my high school career coming to a quick end, there was a lot to keep me distracted. Prom, picnics, banquets and parties with my friends helped it to not be so "traumatic." But for awhile, I was sad. Shaun had given me a "promise ring," and I was as sure as the sky is blue that we'd end up together. But it obviously didn't end up that way. And there are random times and days, like today, that he'll cross my mind. I haven't spoken to him in almost 9 years, and sometimes I just wonder about him. I don't pine for him, I don't wonder what might have been. I just am....wistful? No....wrong word. Just....wondering. Wondering how his life turned out. And....to quote an old cheesy Garth Brooks song..........thanking God for unanswered prayers.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Deck the Halls - Christmas 2010
To keep myself on track, I'm going to stick with the format of my last holiday format.....
C is for car. 500 + miles in our car between Wednesday night and Sunday night. It's 230 miles from our front door to my parents', and then between running in between Chris' parents' house and mine, plus driving out to my Nana's in Marshall Illinois, we probably put closer to over 600 miles on my poor Malibu (nearing 140,000 miles very rapidly). That will be a perk when we start having kids. People will have to come to us!
H is for.....H is for.........husband! We actually exchanged gifts this year for the 1st time since we've been married (the first year we did "joint gifts" and last year I don't think we really did much of anything....his theory, and kind of mine too, is that we have joint money now, so we can just go buy our own stuff.....but we never do). We set a budget and I went a little over, but I had a lot of fun picking stuff out for him. I got him a couple hats, a box full of OSU gear, and a really nice Izod golf shirt. I have another thing, but I'm still working on it, so shhh...........he yelled at me for going over, but then I open mine and he did so well! He picked out some cold weather running clothes (Danskin from Walmart - just as good as Nike or Under Armour) for me, some good running headphones (nothing drives me crazier or distracts me more than wires all over the place and headphones that fall out of my ears), and a beautiful ring/ pendant/ earring set from Helzberg. I had really just wanted a ring for my right hand, but he went above and beyond :o) It's a light blue color which really has no meaning other than it's his birthstone (March), so I think of him everytime I see it!
R is for Ridiculous. Cowboys game Christmas night. Down 21-3. Came back to go ahead 26-24 with 1:41 to go. Missed the EXTRA POINT (as my friend Sarah would say, Jesus needed earmuffs). Defense made some huge stops and all we had to do was stop them on 4th and 15 (FOURTH AND FIFTEEN)!!!!!!!! and we couldn't. Cardinals go down the field and Jay Feely kicks one right down the middle with 0:05 to go to win 27-24. We suck.
I is for I LOVE MY FAMILY. Christmas has never been overly extravagant in our household, and I know that my mom & dad wish they could do more, but honestly? Anthony was on facebook and saw that one of friends had gotten (among other things) an Austin Collie authentic jersey (easily $150) and a PLASMA tv - and he's 15. Seriously? That's great for the people who can afford it, but I know so many people who go into debt over the holidays, and that just is so missing the whole point. My mom and dad have always made Christmas special - whether it always means putting apples & oranges in the bottoms of our stockings (we've all had the same ones since we were born), or all of us having a big "Santa" gift and the rest from mom and dad - I feel like no matter how much or how little my parents have, they always make sure Christmas is special for us. In the last couple of years, we've all been together at our house and watched a movie before Midnight Mass.........and then we all go to Midnight Mass together, which has become a really special time together.
S is for Scrapbooking! "Santa" brought me a huge "scrapbook starter kit" for Christmas, and I'm excited to get started! I took a lot of pictures all throughout college and since we've been married, but the only evidence of them is on facebook. I think I'm going to start with something creatively "easy" - our wedding. Wedding-themed paper and stickers, etc are pretty easy to find, and although Mom & Dad got us a book from snapfish of a bunch of pictures, I'd like to include a program, an invite and some other random "momentos" from the occasion. I have a BOX full of stuff that I've been quite sure what to do with (wedding cards, flower petals, leftover stickers from the candy) - so now I can put it to paper and throw out the rest (maybe not the wedding cards, though. My parents still have all of theirs and I think that's kind of neat)!!
T is for new Traditions.....every year since I was born, my mom's side of the family has gotten together on Christmas Day - my aunts, uncles and all of my cousins. Well, the oldest cousin (Kristi) is now almost 28; the youngest (Anthony) is 15, and there are now 3 littler cousins (Michael's 2 boys, Gabe & Jason; Kristi's little girl, Ava) - and last year's get-together was a madhouse. So, this year, each family "unit" did their own thing. It was nice just being my mom, dad, sister, brother-in-law, brother, hubby & me, but it was kind of sad to break a 20+ year tradition. Hopefully in a few years the hubby and I will start some new traditions of our own with our own family :-)
M is for Mother-in-Law....she's so funny!! We had gone shopping together on Black Friday where I picked out all of my husband's and brother- and sister-in-law's presents....well, she went back out the same day after we were done to pick up a bunch of the stuff that I had oohed and ahhed over! There were some earrings from JCP that I had actually picked up to buy but put down - she got them - and then this 24-opening photo collage from Kohl's that she got me, too, along with a lot of other stuff (Cowboys scarf/ socks, Bath & Body Works stuff, a gorgeous sweater, and some frames from IKEA). Our relationship has really changed for the better this year, and it's pretty cool.
A is for Anthony.........my brother.........my all of 6'3" brother who is 15......nothing much to say about him except for my grandpa brought over the little newspaper clipping from his 1st Christmas and I about burst into tears. He's a spoiled brat and I know that I had a lot to do with it.....he's just growing up so fast, and it's hard to believe that this time 7 or 8 years ago he still believed in Santa :-( He was still just as excited with all of his presents as a little kid though (a new DROID! from Nana, and all kinds of Oregon Duck stuff from our parents....not as excited over his letter jacket as Megan & I were when we got ours as sophomores, but still kind of surreal to see him with '13 on his sleeve!!)
S is for Stupidity............it seems a new tradition within my family is to lock ourselves out of places (when we had our girls' weekend in Indy, Dad & Anthony locked themselves out of the house)...........I went to my aunt's to see my cousins (and Ava!).....was in a hurry and just wanted to run in, grab a few pictures, and leave. Well, out of habit, I locked my car when I got out.....when I had thrown my keys in my purse on the front seat. Fortunately, my uncle came to the rescue with a wire coat hanger and I didn't have to pay a locksmith on Christmas weekend! Note to self: get Chris a spare!
Okay, so what each letter was for was kind of lame, but overall, we had a really nice Christmas. Very busy, very out of my routine (and I'm kind of like a 2-year old when I'm out of my routine too long), but a lot of time with family and each other. Christmas decorations are coming down as we speak - I'm ready to get back to normal!!! Thank goodness for Thursday & Friday off this week..........I need it to recover!
C is for car. 500 + miles in our car between Wednesday night and Sunday night. It's 230 miles from our front door to my parents', and then between running in between Chris' parents' house and mine, plus driving out to my Nana's in Marshall Illinois, we probably put closer to over 600 miles on my poor Malibu (nearing 140,000 miles very rapidly). That will be a perk when we start having kids. People will have to come to us!
H is for.....H is for.........husband! We actually exchanged gifts this year for the 1st time since we've been married (the first year we did "joint gifts" and last year I don't think we really did much of anything....his theory, and kind of mine too, is that we have joint money now, so we can just go buy our own stuff.....but we never do). We set a budget and I went a little over, but I had a lot of fun picking stuff out for him. I got him a couple hats, a box full of OSU gear, and a really nice Izod golf shirt. I have another thing, but I'm still working on it, so shhh...........he yelled at me for going over, but then I open mine and he did so well! He picked out some cold weather running clothes (Danskin from Walmart - just as good as Nike or Under Armour) for me, some good running headphones (nothing drives me crazier or distracts me more than wires all over the place and headphones that fall out of my ears), and a beautiful ring/ pendant/ earring set from Helzberg. I had really just wanted a ring for my right hand, but he went above and beyond :o) It's a light blue color which really has no meaning other than it's his birthstone (March), so I think of him everytime I see it!
R is for Ridiculous. Cowboys game Christmas night. Down 21-3. Came back to go ahead 26-24 with 1:41 to go. Missed the EXTRA POINT (as my friend Sarah would say, Jesus needed earmuffs). Defense made some huge stops and all we had to do was stop them on 4th and 15 (FOURTH AND FIFTEEN)!!!!!!!! and we couldn't. Cardinals go down the field and Jay Feely kicks one right down the middle with 0:05 to go to win 27-24. We suck.
I is for I LOVE MY FAMILY. Christmas has never been overly extravagant in our household, and I know that my mom & dad wish they could do more, but honestly? Anthony was on facebook and saw that one of friends had gotten (among other things) an Austin Collie authentic jersey (easily $150) and a PLASMA tv - and he's 15. Seriously? That's great for the people who can afford it, but I know so many people who go into debt over the holidays, and that just is so missing the whole point. My mom and dad have always made Christmas special - whether it always means putting apples & oranges in the bottoms of our stockings (we've all had the same ones since we were born), or all of us having a big "Santa" gift and the rest from mom and dad - I feel like no matter how much or how little my parents have, they always make sure Christmas is special for us. In the last couple of years, we've all been together at our house and watched a movie before Midnight Mass.........and then we all go to Midnight Mass together, which has become a really special time together.
S is for Scrapbooking! "Santa" brought me a huge "scrapbook starter kit" for Christmas, and I'm excited to get started! I took a lot of pictures all throughout college and since we've been married, but the only evidence of them is on facebook. I think I'm going to start with something creatively "easy" - our wedding. Wedding-themed paper and stickers, etc are pretty easy to find, and although Mom & Dad got us a book from snapfish of a bunch of pictures, I'd like to include a program, an invite and some other random "momentos" from the occasion. I have a BOX full of stuff that I've been quite sure what to do with (wedding cards, flower petals, leftover stickers from the candy) - so now I can put it to paper and throw out the rest (maybe not the wedding cards, though. My parents still have all of theirs and I think that's kind of neat)!!
T is for new Traditions.....every year since I was born, my mom's side of the family has gotten together on Christmas Day - my aunts, uncles and all of my cousins. Well, the oldest cousin (Kristi) is now almost 28; the youngest (Anthony) is 15, and there are now 3 littler cousins (Michael's 2 boys, Gabe & Jason; Kristi's little girl, Ava) - and last year's get-together was a madhouse. So, this year, each family "unit" did their own thing. It was nice just being my mom, dad, sister, brother-in-law, brother, hubby & me, but it was kind of sad to break a 20+ year tradition. Hopefully in a few years the hubby and I will start some new traditions of our own with our own family :-)
M is for Mother-in-Law....she's so funny!! We had gone shopping together on Black Friday where I picked out all of my husband's and brother- and sister-in-law's presents....well, she went back out the same day after we were done to pick up a bunch of the stuff that I had oohed and ahhed over! There were some earrings from JCP that I had actually picked up to buy but put down - she got them - and then this 24-opening photo collage from Kohl's that she got me, too, along with a lot of other stuff (Cowboys scarf/ socks, Bath & Body Works stuff, a gorgeous sweater, and some frames from IKEA). Our relationship has really changed for the better this year, and it's pretty cool.
A is for Anthony.........my brother.........my all of 6'3" brother who is 15......nothing much to say about him except for my grandpa brought over the little newspaper clipping from his 1st Christmas and I about burst into tears. He's a spoiled brat and I know that I had a lot to do with it.....he's just growing up so fast, and it's hard to believe that this time 7 or 8 years ago he still believed in Santa :-( He was still just as excited with all of his presents as a little kid though (a new DROID! from Nana, and all kinds of Oregon Duck stuff from our parents....not as excited over his letter jacket as Megan & I were when we got ours as sophomores, but still kind of surreal to see him with '13 on his sleeve!!)
S is for Stupidity............it seems a new tradition within my family is to lock ourselves out of places (when we had our girls' weekend in Indy, Dad & Anthony locked themselves out of the house)...........I went to my aunt's to see my cousins (and Ava!).....was in a hurry and just wanted to run in, grab a few pictures, and leave. Well, out of habit, I locked my car when I got out.....when I had thrown my keys in my purse on the front seat. Fortunately, my uncle came to the rescue with a wire coat hanger and I didn't have to pay a locksmith on Christmas weekend! Note to self: get Chris a spare!
Okay, so what each letter was for was kind of lame, but overall, we had a really nice Christmas. Very busy, very out of my routine (and I'm kind of like a 2-year old when I'm out of my routine too long), but a lot of time with family and each other. Christmas decorations are coming down as we speak - I'm ready to get back to normal!!! Thank goodness for Thursday & Friday off this week..........I need it to recover!
Monday, December 20, 2010
I have to quit letting people get to me.
Little, petty, stupid things get to me more than big things (generally speaking).
I know when people are intentionally pushing my buttons but yet I still respond. I learned the lesson when I was little and yet at 27 I still let "bullies" pick at me until they get me good and pissed off, instead of just ignoring them and walking away.
But right now, I'm annoyed.
I'm annoyed at the overly anti-Cowboys sentiment from just about everyone I know (which usually translates into pro-Colts, but whatever). They're my team. I'm passionate. I live and breathe football so, yes, I take seasons like this hard. I don't have kids. I have a semi-normal-work-hours job. I don't have any major responsibilities outside of showing up to work and making my marriage work (not diminishing that), but seriously? If I was neglecting my kids, losing money, or winding up in jail, then yes. You could intervene. But until then? I'm going to be the generally overly-obnoxious (mostly for other peoples' benefits) fan. I'm going to shit-talk teams I don't like. I'm going to chat football with those who know what they're talking about. Everyone else can go to hell.
I have friends who are teachers. My sister will be a teacher soon (God willing). I could never be a teacher, nor do I feel that I'd ever make a good one. But unfortunately, I feel that there are people JUST LIKE ME who ARE teachers for the main reason that they get long winter breaks and summer vacations. No lie. And that pisses me off. Those people could be teaching my own children someday. Are Christmas breaks and summer vacations a perk of the job? Sure. But to know without a doubt that that is one of the only reasons people became a teacher just gets under my skin. I'd love to have 2-hour delays, snow days, and long breaks from work. But I'm not going to get a freaking teaching degree just to have those days off. I work my ass off. I work 50 hour weeks, I work 12 hour days. Just think of how much nicer this world would be if everyone got a summer vacation. (Do I understand that then no one would have anywhere to go if this happened? Duh. I'm just dreaming).
I'm already annoyed with New Years resolutions. If you're going to do it, just do it. If you're going to work out, just go. If you're going to go on South Beach, just do it. In my weight-loss journey before my vacation, I kept people updated (whether they liked it or not, ha) via my facebook, but that was for more than 2 days. I lost 25 pounds in the span of about 6 months this year, and that's something to be proud of. I'm a huge advocate of NOT encouraging those who complain about themselves.....I've never been one to console a friend, "Aw, you're not fat!" when she goes "I HATE the way I look!" I'm just not. If you want to do something about it, fine. Then do it. If you've starved yourself for 2 days just to fall into a Burger King breakfast on the 3rd day, then I'm sorry - but no. Find something that you can stick with. MODERATION, MODERATION, MODERATION.
I'm annoyed with snow, but 'tis the season. It is just never ending. I have definitely had my fill of 12-hour + days in the last week, which is probably the reason for my mood. I'm just OVER everything and everybody. I'm ready to get to Terre Haute and spend Christmas snuggled up with my family.
Bah, humbug.
Little, petty, stupid things get to me more than big things (generally speaking).
I know when people are intentionally pushing my buttons but yet I still respond. I learned the lesson when I was little and yet at 27 I still let "bullies" pick at me until they get me good and pissed off, instead of just ignoring them and walking away.
But right now, I'm annoyed.
I'm annoyed at the overly anti-Cowboys sentiment from just about everyone I know (which usually translates into pro-Colts, but whatever). They're my team. I'm passionate. I live and breathe football so, yes, I take seasons like this hard. I don't have kids. I have a semi-normal-work-hours job. I don't have any major responsibilities outside of showing up to work and making my marriage work (not diminishing that), but seriously? If I was neglecting my kids, losing money, or winding up in jail, then yes. You could intervene. But until then? I'm going to be the generally overly-obnoxious (mostly for other peoples' benefits) fan. I'm going to shit-talk teams I don't like. I'm going to chat football with those who know what they're talking about. Everyone else can go to hell.
I have friends who are teachers. My sister will be a teacher soon (God willing). I could never be a teacher, nor do I feel that I'd ever make a good one. But unfortunately, I feel that there are people JUST LIKE ME who ARE teachers for the main reason that they get long winter breaks and summer vacations. No lie. And that pisses me off. Those people could be teaching my own children someday. Are Christmas breaks and summer vacations a perk of the job? Sure. But to know without a doubt that that is one of the only reasons people became a teacher just gets under my skin. I'd love to have 2-hour delays, snow days, and long breaks from work. But I'm not going to get a freaking teaching degree just to have those days off. I work my ass off. I work 50 hour weeks, I work 12 hour days. Just think of how much nicer this world would be if everyone got a summer vacation. (Do I understand that then no one would have anywhere to go if this happened? Duh. I'm just dreaming).
I'm already annoyed with New Years resolutions. If you're going to do it, just do it. If you're going to work out, just go. If you're going to go on South Beach, just do it. In my weight-loss journey before my vacation, I kept people updated (whether they liked it or not, ha) via my facebook, but that was for more than 2 days. I lost 25 pounds in the span of about 6 months this year, and that's something to be proud of. I'm a huge advocate of NOT encouraging those who complain about themselves.....I've never been one to console a friend, "Aw, you're not fat!" when she goes "I HATE the way I look!" I'm just not. If you want to do something about it, fine. Then do it. If you've starved yourself for 2 days just to fall into a Burger King breakfast on the 3rd day, then I'm sorry - but no. Find something that you can stick with. MODERATION, MODERATION, MODERATION.
I'm annoyed with snow, but 'tis the season. It is just never ending. I have definitely had my fill of 12-hour + days in the last week, which is probably the reason for my mood. I'm just OVER everything and everybody. I'm ready to get to Terre Haute and spend Christmas snuggled up with my family.
Bah, humbug.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Girls Weekend
What a FUN weekend!
We've been planning this weekend for months. Nana and all of Papa Gene's girls went up to the Mall of America back in October - so this was our side of family's turn for some fun :) Thanks to Nana, we had a suite on the 8th floor of the Hilton that was right downtown. We all met up on Friday night -

Yesterday, we woke up, had a quick brunch at Cracker Barrel and all hit the road to get home before too much more snow fell. I made it home in really good time with no major bumps, and so did Mom, Megan & Nana back to Terre Haute. Megan actually ended up in a ditch on her way back to KY, but some road angels let her sit in their warm van while she waited for a tow truck, and they even paid to get her car towed out of the ditch. Stories like that remind me that not everyone is a complete shithead...........(and I'm only half kidding. I know. My attitude stinks).
It was such a fun weekend to spend with my family. I'm so blessed to have them.
And a few more of my fave pics from our fun time.........

Sunday, December 5, 2010
Weekend Recap
This weekend ended a lot better than it began.
I slept a LONG time Friday night, and I couldn't have needed it more. I'm still trying to stave off this cold or whatever is trying to take over, but lots of sleep in the last 2 nights, lots of water, and lots of day/nyquil have helped.
Yesterday, Chris didn't get off until 2....we went to a late lunch and we came back so he could take a nap. For the first time in....????? 2 years at least?, I went to Confession (Reconciliation) at St. Brendans. The Msgr. "running the show" was so nice and supportive and kind. I was a mess. A sniffling, somber, remorseful, MESS. I wasn't in there but maybe 5 minutes, but was able to come out to a darkened, candlelit church (Mass getting ready to start within the next hour) and kneel by myself, in silence, and just BE. I think when some people hear other people say "I felt God with me," it sounds cheesy........but there isn't a single other feeling I can even put into words. All at once, I just felt such peace. Lightened. What I've done in the past, the big things and little things.........it was just such an amazing experience for me and I'm glad I went. I also went to Mass last night for the first time in a long time for the 2nd Sunday of Advent, and I'm glad I did that, too.
Last night, Chris & I went out to dinner and came back home and watched Valentine's Day that he had DVR'd. I heard a lot of people that didn't like that movie, but I thought it was really cute! I still can't believe how many big names were in there.
Today, I slept late again, we went to grab lunch, went grocery shopping, and came back to watch my 3-8 Cowboys BEAT the 6-5 Colts!! Outside of Dallas' division rivals, I hate the Colts more than any other team in the league (95% of my Colts' fan acquaintances being why.....seriously, look up bandwagon and you'll see these people) and it was good to get a win there today.
I need to take a shower and get to bed to gear up for what's looking to be a busy week......snow is definitely upon us, we have November close on Friday, and I'm leaving early on Friday to head to Indy for a girls weekend with my mom, sister & Nana. We're staying at a hotel that's right next to Circle Center and have tickets to the Beef & Boards show on Saturday night. If I've been to downtown Indy for Christmas, its been a LONG time, and I'm looking forward to spending some time with my family just shopping and enjoying the season!
Here's to looking up -
I slept a LONG time Friday night, and I couldn't have needed it more. I'm still trying to stave off this cold or whatever is trying to take over, but lots of sleep in the last 2 nights, lots of water, and lots of day/nyquil have helped.
Yesterday, Chris didn't get off until 2....we went to a late lunch and we came back so he could take a nap. For the first time in....????? 2 years at least?, I went to Confession (Reconciliation) at St. Brendans. The Msgr. "running the show" was so nice and supportive and kind. I was a mess. A sniffling, somber, remorseful, MESS. I wasn't in there but maybe 5 minutes, but was able to come out to a darkened, candlelit church (Mass getting ready to start within the next hour) and kneel by myself, in silence, and just BE. I think when some people hear other people say "I felt God with me," it sounds cheesy........but there isn't a single other feeling I can even put into words. All at once, I just felt such peace. Lightened. What I've done in the past, the big things and little things.........it was just such an amazing experience for me and I'm glad I went. I also went to Mass last night for the first time in a long time for the 2nd Sunday of Advent, and I'm glad I did that, too.
Last night, Chris & I went out to dinner and came back home and watched Valentine's Day that he had DVR'd. I heard a lot of people that didn't like that movie, but I thought it was really cute! I still can't believe how many big names were in there.
Today, I slept late again, we went to grab lunch, went grocery shopping, and came back to watch my 3-8 Cowboys BEAT the 6-5 Colts!! Outside of Dallas' division rivals, I hate the Colts more than any other team in the league (95% of my Colts' fan acquaintances being why.....seriously, look up bandwagon and you'll see these people) and it was good to get a win there today.
I need to take a shower and get to bed to gear up for what's looking to be a busy week......snow is definitely upon us, we have November close on Friday, and I'm leaving early on Friday to head to Indy for a girls weekend with my mom, sister & Nana. We're staying at a hotel that's right next to Circle Center and have tickets to the Beef & Boards show on Saturday night. If I've been to downtown Indy for Christmas, its been a LONG time, and I'm looking forward to spending some time with my family just shopping and enjoying the season!
Here's to looking up -
Friday, December 3, 2010
It has been a long week.
Right now, I don't feel good. My throat hurts, my ears hurt and I'm exhausted after this month end. I took Monday off for a vacation day, which was MUCH needed after the packed holiday weekend - but it made for hell for the rest of the 4 days. Our first snow event was between Wednesday and Thursday, we had a zillion new hires, and after a semi-major meeting (at my call) with my controller last week, it made for a fairly tense week with my boss this week (things are getting better though, I think). My boss and I had a meeting with ....well, that guy at work. Obviously our work relationship changed after everything happened, and it has caused nothing but problems between us work-wise. FORTUNATELY, we've both managed to keep it professional enough to not get ourselves fired..................even when I've wanted to kick his ass up one wall and down another. Between yesterday and today I put in about 24 hours at work. And it's not going to slow down anytime soon. At least I'm not bored.
I just watched Confessions of a Shopaholic. That movie is really cute but really makes you think..........I was just thinking about some "resolutions" for the new year, and one of them is getting rid of our credit cards. We don't have as much credit card debt as some (most is student loans), but there's enough, and we (me more than him) just need to quit. I'm going to come up with a plan.....
I've had baby fever BAD since last weekend........the......need? craving? intense want, desire? for a baby has been really hard to deal with. But I know this isn't the time OR place in our lives for one.......and I know there won't ever be a completely right time......but how will we know?
I need to get back to church. Every weekend I tell myself we'll go, and every weekend I find reasons to not go. I haven't ran consistently for awhile, and I'm running a freakin' mini marathon in about 20 weeks. I've gained weight since our vacation (about 10lbs out of the 25 I lost before).
Control. I'm taking it back. Now.
Right now, I don't feel good. My throat hurts, my ears hurt and I'm exhausted after this month end. I took Monday off for a vacation day, which was MUCH needed after the packed holiday weekend - but it made for hell for the rest of the 4 days. Our first snow event was between Wednesday and Thursday, we had a zillion new hires, and after a semi-major meeting (at my call) with my controller last week, it made for a fairly tense week with my boss this week (things are getting better though, I think). My boss and I had a meeting with ....well, that guy at work. Obviously our work relationship changed after everything happened, and it has caused nothing but problems between us work-wise. FORTUNATELY, we've both managed to keep it professional enough to not get ourselves fired..................even when I've wanted to kick his ass up one wall and down another. Between yesterday and today I put in about 24 hours at work. And it's not going to slow down anytime soon. At least I'm not bored.
I just watched Confessions of a Shopaholic. That movie is really cute but really makes you think..........I was just thinking about some "resolutions" for the new year, and one of them is getting rid of our credit cards. We don't have as much credit card debt as some (most is student loans), but there's enough, and we (me more than him) just need to quit. I'm going to come up with a plan.....
I've had baby fever BAD since last weekend........the......need? craving? intense want, desire? for a baby has been really hard to deal with. But I know this isn't the time OR place in our lives for one.......and I know there won't ever be a completely right time......but how will we know?
I need to get back to church. Every weekend I tell myself we'll go, and every weekend I find reasons to not go. I haven't ran consistently for awhile, and I'm running a freakin' mini marathon in about 20 weeks. I've gained weight since our vacation (about 10lbs out of the 25 I lost before).
Control. I'm taking it back. Now.
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