Monday, December 20, 2010


I have to quit letting people get to me.

Little, petty, stupid things get to me more than big things (generally speaking).

I know when people are intentionally pushing my buttons but yet I still respond. I learned the lesson when I was little and yet at 27 I still let "bullies" pick at me until they get me good and pissed off, instead of just ignoring them and walking away.

But right now, I'm annoyed.

I'm annoyed at the overly anti-Cowboys sentiment from just about everyone I know (which usually translates into pro-Colts, but whatever). They're my team. I'm passionate. I live and breathe football so, yes, I take seasons like this hard. I don't have kids. I have a semi-normal-work-hours job. I don't have any major responsibilities outside of showing up to work and making my marriage work (not diminishing that), but seriously? If I was neglecting my kids, losing money, or winding up in jail, then yes. You could intervene. But until then? I'm going to be the generally overly-obnoxious (mostly for other peoples' benefits) fan. I'm going to shit-talk teams I don't like. I'm going to chat football with those who know what they're talking about. Everyone else can go to hell.

I have friends who are teachers. My sister will be a teacher soon (God willing). I could never be a teacher, nor do I feel that I'd ever make a good one. But unfortunately, I feel that there are people JUST LIKE ME who ARE teachers for the main reason that they get long winter breaks and summer vacations. No lie. And that pisses me off. Those people could be teaching my own children someday. Are Christmas breaks and summer vacations a perk of the job? Sure. But to know without a doubt that that is one of the only reasons people became a teacher just gets under my skin. I'd love to have 2-hour delays, snow days, and long breaks from work. But I'm not going to get a freaking teaching degree just to have those days off. I work my ass off. I work 50 hour weeks, I work 12 hour days. Just think of how much nicer this world would be if everyone got a summer vacation. (Do I understand that then no one would have anywhere to go if this happened? Duh. I'm just dreaming).

I'm already annoyed with New Years resolutions. If you're going to do it, just do it. If you're going to work out, just go. If you're going to go on South Beach, just do it. In my weight-loss journey before my vacation, I kept people updated (whether they liked it or not, ha) via my facebook, but that was for more than 2 days. I lost 25 pounds in the span of about 6 months this year, and that's something to be proud of. I'm a huge advocate of NOT encouraging those who complain about themselves.....I've never been one to console a friend, "Aw, you're not fat!" when she goes "I HATE the way I look!" I'm just not. If you want to do something about it, fine. Then do it. If you've starved yourself for 2 days just to fall into a Burger King breakfast on the 3rd day, then I'm sorry - but no. Find something that you can stick with. MODERATION, MODERATION, MODERATION.

I'm annoyed with snow, but 'tis the season. It is just never ending. I have definitely had my fill of 12-hour + days in the last week, which is probably the reason for my mood. I'm just OVER everything and everybody. I'm ready to get to Terre Haute and spend Christmas snuggled up with my family.

Bah, humbug.

1 comment:

  1. nikki, i say this 100% out of love, but do you think the way some people respond to your football obsession is out of the fact that you dish out a lot of mad hatin' on other teams, and this then puts yourself out there to receive some of that back? i find that the more i put myself out there, the more i am left vulnerable to people wanting to shove it back in my face, so to speak. after living with you and seeing your hand written stat charts above your computer, i believe that i KNOW your love of football and that you truly love your 'boys... i am not sure who is giving you a hard time about your team, but it just might be that others get a kick out of getting you back for some of the things you say about other teams. the good thing is that this is just football...just a game...just a season that will be over in a couple months and then life will go on.

    and whoever is going to school to become a teacher for the breaks and delays is truly an idiot because i would never sign up for the kind of torture that this job can bring for a simple summer vacation. in many ways, i envy the "outside world," which is what i call any profession not in education, because the education profession is truly in a boat of their own. we get 25 minute lunches and never get to go out. you don't know how much i wish i could just leave for lunch like a normal human. every job has its tradeoffs i guess.

    anyway-- no hate here...just maybe trying to provide some insight. i had some issues with a couple parents last week, and my principal told me something...he said he knows one thing to be true. people, this time of year, go crazy. and i think that applies to the parents that have been hating me at school for providing "too much work" the week of christmas break, to the people hating you for your love of the cowboys, and to me for the verbal assaulting i have done in my head to many people around me.

    tis the season to hang in there.
