Tuesday, September 1, 2009

This Time A Year Ago...

We were in the Miami airport, waiting to board our final plane to Jamaica. Well, I guess it would've been yesterday (Monday), but technically the 1st. Whatever. We have now been married for a year and 2 days. No longer newlyweds. Just another "old married couple." But what a year (and 2 days) it has been.

We've been married over a year already?!? Crazy. Crazy how much has changed in the last year, but yet so much has stayed the same. I live in a different city (STATE), have a different job, have different living arrangements (I live with a BOY....which has its perks, some days more than others!), and am now further from my family than I ever have been. BUT - Chris and I are still together....amazingly enough, it must seem to some....I still have the same super supportive family, my Cowboys have yet another promising season ahead, and the seasons keep changing. Like clockwork, my friends have gone back to school (to teach AND learn), and the leaves are on the cusp of turning again.

Chris and I went to Newark, OH this weekend - a small town about 30 minutes away, and had absolutely no plans. We had a really nice suite - we just relaxed, and swam in the hotel pool (alternating with the amaaaaazing hot tub), and had a cheap dinner at Pizza Hut. We just enjoyed each others' company....watched some movies on TNT, watched a little preseason football. Did absolutely NOTHING....which felt great. No laundry waiting to be done, no kitchen to be cleaned. Just talking....talking about this last year and what we've been through. We've made a lot of great memories this year....not always good, but at the end of the day, things we've learned from. Do I miss my family? Every single day. But I still think it's been the best thing that we've lived so far away. We have no one to depend on but each other. "Never go to bed mad"???? Um, no. We learned a long time ago that that rule doesn't apply to us, and probably saved one or both of us from being killed this year (half joking there).

So much more to say....but Chris just barbecued some chicken on the grill, and who knows how many more times I'll get that before it gets too cold??!?? It's chow time!

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