So, I'm not cool. I have to be at work so early (between 6:30 and 7) that I don't generally stay up too late (okay, who am I kidding. It's pushing it for me to stay up til 10 on a Friday night), so I didn't stay up and watch the VMA Awards the other night. I'm going to comment briefly and move on with it.
Kanye West is a douchebag. There really is no other nice way of putting it (sorry, Mom). I'm still not convinced that the entire thing wasn't staged, but was ridiculous what he did to Taylor Swift. I used to think of him as an overly-political artist, but with some decent songs. I now refuse to listen to him, or talk about him, or read anything more about him. And I hope that the rest of America does, too. He's an attention-whore who clearly has a problem with alcohol (he was said to be inebriated at the time of the mike-grabbing) and has no respect for other people or his peers. It ticks me off. A normal person wouldn't do that. Was he not hugged enough as a child? Anyway. I'm done thinking and talking about it. I hope from here his career takes a nosedive into hell, because he deserves it. Enough is enough.
Serena Williams. YOU ARE A LADY!! Far be it from me to give women lessons on ladylike-ness, but I can tell you right now that I was at least raised well enough to not go off on random people....especially on national TV (like I was ever on national TV anyway....but moving on....) I just can't get over celebrities' behavior these days. I know I sound like an old grandma, but really...when I was younger, it just seemed that celebrities didn't do stuff like that. Now, it's about money, endorsements, publicity, and who's dating who. The NFL may not even have a season next year (my heart stops just writing that) because there may be no salary cap. Guys will quit playing because they're not making as much as the next guy. Seriously....guys on the bench still make more than most people do in a year, and it makes me sick. I love football, and I love the NFL, but as a whole, NFL players, owners, GMs, and coaches are a bunch of greedy people (and other athletes in general). YES, I know that many of these athletes donate time and money to charities, etc, etc, etc.....BUT....they still have enought leftover.
Anyway. Random rant. Sorry.
On a good note, my boss' boss' boss' boss (you get that?) came to the branch today. He's the COO of Brickman, and he had a lot of great things to say. It was pretty cool, but I have to admit that I'm glad this day is over. People get pretty uptight when bigwigs come to town!
Relaxing for 30 minutes before I have to start dinner. Plus, all these empty boxes are just staring at me...I KNOW I KNOW I NEED TO START PACKING!!!!!!!!!!
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