Friday, February 3, 2012

Friday Brain Dump, Vol 2.0

I kind of like this brain dump idea....a short, quick, to-the-point rundown of the week.

Today I don't have much. 

1.  We just had an actual "night out."  (Is it still a "night out" when you're home by 9:45pm?  Oh how Friday nights have changed, and it's still just the 2 of us!)  We went to a newfound (well, not newfound, but haven't had in a LONG time) restaurant, Smokey Bones (delish, you should try soon if you haven't!) and then to the Columbus Funny Bone, a comedy club here.  The restaurant and club are within about a mile of each other at a nearby outdoor-mall called Easton, and we now live about 3 minutes FROM Easton, so it was a quick night but fun nonetheless.  We saw the "Ragin' Cajun," John Morgan (we saw him before back in 2009 and LOVED him).  He was good tonight too....just maybe a little....drunker than last time.  Still hilarious.  Don't ever see him if you're a politically correct person.

2.  Another end of month week in the books.........our first big snow month of the snow season but still turned out okay.  Nothing too exciting to report, we billed about $800,000 in snow in January - which is NOTHING.  Everyone is praying for snow sometime soon..........some of these fixed expenses are piling up!

3.  I tried a Pinterest recipe last weekend........Snickerdoodle bars..........except they turned into Snickerdoodle CAKE since I left out an ingredient (sour cream, go figure).  Still pretty good, I want to make again!

4.  Super Bowl this weekend.  Tired of all the Indy fans suddenly backing "Peyton's baby brother!"  "Indy for Eli!"  "BELIeve!"  Lame.  Gag me.  Lame, lame, lame.  What's it going to be?  Peyton's baby brother gets 2, or his arch nemesis gets to FOUR?  Whatever.  Both scenarios are funny.

5.  That is all.  I've got nothing else.  Happy Friday!


  1. Nikki, it's not a "sudden" thing-- people who love Peyton generally love Eli. Why not? And people who love the Colts ALWAYS hate the Patriots. That's a fact. So you shouldn't be surprised that they/we are backing Eli. People don't have to be fans since birth or declared by the Queen of England as official fans of a team-- perhaps I should question your OSU allegiance and how long you have been a fan? And can I ask when you started being a Patriots fan? Is it because the Giants are the rival to the Cowboys? Which is in essence the same thing!

    I'm not sure why Eli getting 2 rings or The Patriots getting 4 is funny, except I'm inferring it's a dig at Peyton, and for that I've never understood. The man exudes class and forever will be one of the most prolific players of all time. UNdeniable. Earlier you said people hate Belichick because he has a fist full of rings and not because he didn't accept a homemade SB scarf. I as well as many others boldly disagreed with that statement. But I have to ask why is it you hate #18 so much? Is it because he's so amazing? Because it surely isn't because he's a hateful person.

    You know I love you, but you also know that Dallas hasn't been to a SB since 1996-- so some might find that funny.

  2. Can't we just agree that we're NEVER going to agree on why I dislike Peyton Manning and the Colts?

    Two things....agreed. It's sad to the point of funny that Dallas hasn't been to the big since 1996. But as you well know, I was a fan of them long before that and have been since then, in all their dismal seasons as well as the ones that have raised my hopes just to break my hearts at the end. Probably the biggest thing I hate about the Colts, and you even mentioned it earlier in the season, is the mass exodus of fans jumping off the Colts bandwagon. We both saw it firsthand this season. And yes, I'm sure it happens in Dallas too, but since they've not won anything since 96 those fans aren't too rampant right now.

    Second....I've never ever called myself an OSU fan, I don't talk about OSU, I don't know anything about OSU and the only reason I have anything OSU related is b/c people have bought me things. By no means do I call myself a hardcore fan of OSU. I'm the one of about 14 people actually at the mall or grocery shopping during gametime on Saturdays in the fall.

    Oh, third...I find both the Giants and Patriots extremely overrated, and probably Tom Brady/ Pats moreso than the Giants, but it eats at me to no end that the Giants were one jacked-up play by Dallas away from being HOME for the entire playoffs, let alone going to the SB. The Giants were awful in the regular season and so far two amazing catches by WRs have bailed the Giants out in Super Bowls. Not amazing team play, not even that great of play by their QB. If I had to be a fan of a team in the SB, it was the one that was consistently GOOD in the regular season, and the Giants definitely were NOT.
