I actually haven't done one of these in 2 weeks...........just goes to show you how exciting my life is!
Actually, last weekend I didn't really write anything b/c I had dropped Chris off at the airport Friday morning knowing he wouldn't be back til Wednesday....didn't really want to advertise that I was going to be home alone for 5 days, even on this seldom-read-by-anyone blog.
Also last weekend, I was sick. AGAIN. It started kind of on Friday with the sorta-itchy ears, sorta-itchy throat, nothing too serious and didn't think much about it. Saturday it wasn't too bad either, got a little bit of work done around the house but not really that much since I slept so badly Friday night (sleeping in the house by myself made me a little more nervous than I cared to admit), and by Sunday I was resigned to the couch for the entire day. Saturday night and Sunday night both I slept like crap but dragged myself to work Monday since we'd had 2 snow events the week before and I knew I would have snow timesheets and billing ALL over my desk. I somehow made it through the day, only to have an AWFUL night Monday night (woke up at 10:15, then again at 2am; at that point I was pretty sure both eardrums were about to burst they hurt so bad........was up til 4 laying on a heating pad......) and go in late Tuesday. By Wednesday I felt slightly more human but by Thursday the sore throat and everything else was still sticking around, so I gave in and went to the doctor. Sinus infection. Lovely. This has been the worst winter EVER for a lot of people I know for sicknesses (20 degrees and snowing to the next day being 50 and sunny, then the next day 40 and rain....)! Insane! I'm on day 4 of antibiotics and am still really tired and wrung out but feel a lot better than I did.
Yesterday was pretty exciting - we FINALLY decided on some new front room furniture!!! It really stinks b/c it'll take about a month to come in (stupid Chinese New Year), but it will totally be worth the wait. I can't wait to get it all here and get rid of all our old mismatching stuff. Slowly but surely all this stuff in our house is OURS and not just hand-me-downs from friends, etc! We were able to get a great deal - we got the couch, loveseat, rocking recliner AND a coffee table/ 2 end tables for the price we originally were just going to buy a sectional with, so it worked out.
Also, last night, we went to the Melting Pot for a belated V-Day dinner. I LOVEEEEEE that place....since it's so pricey we definitely don't go there often (we counted and last night was #4 in the 9+ years we've been together), but as always it was so good and just nice to have a quiet, intimate dinner - also, dressing up is always fun for dinners like that!
Other than that..........not much happening. I'm going home to Terre Haute this weekend to spend Friday night and Saturday with my parents and Anthony, then Sunday, my mom and I are going down to E-ville to meet up with my sister for her birthday and go to the Lady Antebellum concert that night. We're then staying Sunday night down there and I'm taking Monday off, so it'll be a nice little weekend away from work. I love girls' weekends!
What else what else.............not a thing. Happy Sunday!
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