Another VDay....come and gone.
This has been the first one, since the very first one back in 2003, that I've spent so far away from Chris (that first VDay, back in our freshman year, he at UMR and me at Ball State............this year, me here in Cbus and him in Vegas for work).
Can I just get something off my chest?
People are so.....uppity. on facebook. Uppity, and put-me-on-a-pedastal-like, and I-have-a-better-life-than-you, on facebook. Today's facebook wall is a showcase of pictures. Pictures of flowers, of all kinds. Pictures of sweet cards, or dinners made, or candy. "I have the BEST Valentine!" "I love my Valentine SO MUCH!" "He/she is the BEST!" or you have the judgemental set, "I HATE Valentine's Day, I don't need a day for love, b/c I show it all year round!" Geez.
Can we all just agree to agree that in whatever stage of Valentine's Day we're in.........whether you're like my 16-year-old brother with his first real "girlfriend," or like Chris and I, on our 4th married V-Day, or like my parents, on their............30-something-ith VDay.........that we are all just so insanely lucky? Whether you got a card today, or flowers sent to work, or dinner made for you, or you just got to wake up with that safe & secure feeling that you are loved....isn't that enough? Isn't it enough that each of us, for however long of a moment in time, have found that other person to share our life with?
Facebook frustrates me, and more and more often it takes me some real time to reflect and think about my own life & circumstances before I come to any real conclusions about anything on there anymore.
Not today. Today, after this time 2-ish years ago when I almost lost every good thing I'd ever, I'm thankful.
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