I love summer. I really do. I love the hot weather (as long as I have A/C!), I love sitting by the pool, I love running in the heat (way more than I love running in the snow) ((not that I've done as much running this summer as I did last)), I love being able to just throw on some shorts, flips & a tank top and go, unlike winter where's it's a 45 minute process just to get bundled up enough to go outside, let alone get your car deiced and warmed up.
But seriously, there is nothing more I like more in the summer than grilling out. Or, I should say, I love that I married a man that is really good at grilling out :) Every single Sunday since Memorial Day, we've grilled out something......steaks (mmm), chicken legs, beer can chicken (What? You've never tried it? Trust me. Try it - amazing), salmon, or probably my favorite - tilapia cooked in aluminum bags with veggies. Tonight, we had it again, cooked with squash, zucchini, mushrooms, tomatoes, green peppers & onions. DELISH.
There are, by my account, 25 more days of summer, and I intend on making the most of them. If only nasty cold and snow didn't come right after, I'd love fall even more - hoodie weather, apple-y/ cinnomon-y/ pumpkin-y scented candles, sleeping with the windows down and of course....football! Two weeks from tonight, my friends, right from this very moment, it'll be about halftime of the Cowboys/ Jets game. Bring it on!
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Pelatonia & New Kickoff Rule
Two very random thoughts.
1. My boss did his first ever Pelatonia ride this past week (102 miles!) to help raise money for cancer research at The James Hospital here in Columbus. He actually got to ride with The Limited Brands (they are a huge customer with two headquarter campuses here) and finished in just around 6 hours. Me, on the other hands - my legs would've fallen off. His sister is a photographer and put together a little slideshow which I thought was really neat. I told him I'm in next year! For some reason, 102 miles on a bike is a little easier to wrap my head around than a full 26.2 mile marathon. Who woulda thought?
2. The new kickoff rule in the NFL (kicking off from the 35 instead of the 30) is stupid. There goes another exciting part of football. On a good note, though, regular season starts in a mere 16 days! YEAH!!!!
That is all for now. Ready to get the rest of this week over with, then the hell that is month end next week over with......because the week after THAT, we have Labor Day off, work for two days, then off for 5 days straight - I am STOKED. We're going to Cincinatti (or maybe Indy.....undecided) for Wednesday/ Thursday.....then back in Terre Haute Friday - Sunday for my SIL's wedding, then off Monday because the Cowboys have their first Sunday nighter 9/11.
Yes, I'm that person who takes vacation days on the days after my team plays late nights. :)
1. My boss did his first ever Pelatonia ride this past week (102 miles!) to help raise money for cancer research at The James Hospital here in Columbus. He actually got to ride with The Limited Brands (they are a huge customer with two headquarter campuses here) and finished in just around 6 hours. Me, on the other hands - my legs would've fallen off. His sister is a photographer and put together a little slideshow which I thought was really neat. I told him I'm in next year! For some reason, 102 miles on a bike is a little easier to wrap my head around than a full 26.2 mile marathon. Who woulda thought?
2. The new kickoff rule in the NFL (kicking off from the 35 instead of the 30) is stupid. There goes another exciting part of football. On a good note, though, regular season starts in a mere 16 days! YEAH!!!!
That is all for now. Ready to get the rest of this week over with, then the hell that is month end next week over with......because the week after THAT, we have Labor Day off, work for two days, then off for 5 days straight - I am STOKED. We're going to Cincinatti (or maybe Indy.....undecided) for Wednesday/ Thursday.....then back in Terre Haute Friday - Sunday for my SIL's wedding, then off Monday because the Cowboys have their first Sunday nighter 9/11.
Yes, I'm that person who takes vacation days on the days after my team plays late nights. :)
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Car Shopping
No wonder used car salesmen get such a bad rep.
We drove about 25 miles to the other side of town today to one of the most advertised, biggest new/ used car lots in the city. We had looked a few online so we went in knowing kind of what we wanted to look at.
Out of the 3 we had written down, only 1 was available to see. (?!?).
It was a 200....7? Jeep Liberty, red (Redskins red, I called it), very pretty, but the A/C only worked on level 4, the check engine light was on (the guy told us it was b/c it had a loose gas cap....um, no), and Chris was suspicious of it when after we had test drove it, it started smelling "hot."
We came across another vehicle that surprise! we had actually seen online. A silver Chevy Trailblazer, good mileage, blah blah blah.......oh, it was in the process of a loan. Damnit.
A 2007 Saturn Vue, black, 72,000 miles. Wasn't that impressed with it, but thought we might run some numbers to see what kind of payment schemes we could come up with that were in that car's range.
The guy thought we were ready to drive off the lot with it right then. Um, no. Especially since we weren't prepared to pay the taxes upfront today (pretty sure in Indiana you have 30 days, maybe I'm wrong) and especially since I wasn't sold on the Saturn. You should have heard this guy. I could tell Chris was getting irritated, especially since he needed to get out of town. Chris said, "Well, we really want to just compare pricing and things, thanks for your help," stuck out his hand.......and the guy doesn't shake it, just keeps talking. Says he'll be right back with his card. Okay, great.
Nope, his SUPERVISOR comes over next to talk to us, and Chris is just DONE. Walks out. I'm left feeling awkward and apologetic even though I was annoyed too. Explained to the guy that we felt pushed even though we told the guy we were "just looking" after he came up to us after about 15 seconds of us being out of our car.
Looks like I'm sticking with the 'Bu for awhile longer.
We drove about 25 miles to the other side of town today to one of the most advertised, biggest new/ used car lots in the city. We had looked a few online so we went in knowing kind of what we wanted to look at.
Out of the 3 we had written down, only 1 was available to see. (?!?).
It was a 200....7? Jeep Liberty, red (Redskins red, I called it), very pretty, but the A/C only worked on level 4, the check engine light was on (the guy told us it was b/c it had a loose gas cap....um, no), and Chris was suspicious of it when after we had test drove it, it started smelling "hot."
We came across another vehicle that surprise! we had actually seen online. A silver Chevy Trailblazer, good mileage, blah blah blah.......oh, it was in the process of a loan. Damnit.
A 2007 Saturn Vue, black, 72,000 miles. Wasn't that impressed with it, but thought we might run some numbers to see what kind of payment schemes we could come up with that were in that car's range.
The guy thought we were ready to drive off the lot with it right then. Um, no. Especially since we weren't prepared to pay the taxes upfront today (pretty sure in Indiana you have 30 days, maybe I'm wrong) and especially since I wasn't sold on the Saturn. You should have heard this guy. I could tell Chris was getting irritated, especially since he needed to get out of town. Chris said, "Well, we really want to just compare pricing and things, thanks for your help," stuck out his hand.......and the guy doesn't shake it, just keeps talking. Says he'll be right back with his card. Okay, great.
Nope, his SUPERVISOR comes over next to talk to us, and Chris is just DONE. Walks out. I'm left feeling awkward and apologetic even though I was annoyed too. Explained to the guy that we felt pushed even though we told the guy we were "just looking" after he came up to us after about 15 seconds of us being out of our car.
Looks like I'm sticking with the 'Bu for awhile longer.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
I really wish I had the ability to magically blog about things as soon as they come to me, or happen to me........because when I actually sit down to write ANYthing, everything I was GOING to write about.....flits away. Seems so much less significant than it did when it happened, or when I thought about it.
Random thoughts 'o the day:
1. "How do you make God laugh? Tell Him your plans." Isn't that the truth...not that we're even technically "trying" yet....not that my body even seems to want to cooperate since I took my friend Ashley's advice and bought some ovulation tests "just because" last month - and from days 10 to 20 not one teeny tiny little sign of having anything even there TO fertilize....but whatever.....here I woke up this morning, day 36, later than I've ever been in my life....didn't even allow myself to hope for anything, and it's a good thing, because Mother Nature had another great laugh at my expense this afternoon. Stupid bitch.
2. My job......stresses me out. The people, the work, the industry, the day-to-day business of it, the constant drama that seems to surround my job anymore - exhausts me. I hesitate to go into it any further but I truly wonder somedays how much longer I can last before I literally lose my mind. I used to love my job and I truly do love what I do - just not the "who" of my job. I thankfully got another raise recently, although it's hard to call something that will net you about $30 extra per month a raise, but whatever. I know, I know. Better than 0. But 0 is at least honest. Sometimes raises like the one I got feel like more of a slap in the face than they do a "adda girl." There are indeed some 9-5, straight 40-hour-workweeks out there, but my job sure as hell isn't one of them. I come in early, I'm there late, I'm there weekends. I've brought work home and I do work from home when I'm sick and on vacation. What I wouldn't give for a summer vacation.......!
3. Speaking of that, I heard on the radio the other day that people who have desk jobs are at an exponentially higher risk for heart attacks/ heart disease than those who are up moving around (ie factory work, teachers, nurses, doctors, movers and landscapers, what have you) in their jobs. At first I was alarmed because I thought to myself, 'Yeah, most days I come and sure feel like collapsing instead of running or anything else' - but then someone called in and said, "I think that it has to do less with those desk job people moving around less and more with the stress that those with desk jobs have to deal with." Amen.
4. Hopefully, by the end of the weekend, I will have a new (to me) car. The Malibu is just under 150,000 miles and we have just poured money into it as of late. New tires, new brake work, hub bearing replacement, more brake work. I've had it since January of 2005 when it had about 60,000 miles on it, and I have driven that car EVERYwhere. Countless trips between Muncie & Terre Haute, Muncie & Columbus, Terre Haute & Columbus, plus the cross-town commutes the first year we lived here and now. I'm sad to give up a no-car-payment life, but it's time.
5. It is August 16. Holy hell. Does anyone else realize that Christmas is only 18 weeks away (sorry, Ashley!)?! Before we can even worry about that, though, we have to figure out this "we have to move out of these apartments before I go nuts and now is just not the time to buy a house" situation. Our lease doesn't end until October 31, so we have some time, but we need to get moving, and quick. I'm hoping we can rent a house......there aren't many 3 bedroom apartments anywhere, and plus........I'm tired of apartments.
6. That's about it. Hope you are all doing well in the world!!!
Random thoughts 'o the day:
1. "How do you make God laugh? Tell Him your plans." Isn't that the truth...not that we're even technically "trying" yet....not that my body even seems to want to cooperate since I took my friend Ashley's advice and bought some ovulation tests "just because" last month - and from days 10 to 20 not one teeny tiny little sign of having anything even there TO fertilize....but whatever.....here I woke up this morning, day 36, later than I've ever been in my life....didn't even allow myself to hope for anything, and it's a good thing, because Mother Nature had another great laugh at my expense this afternoon. Stupid bitch.
2. My job......stresses me out. The people, the work, the industry, the day-to-day business of it, the constant drama that seems to surround my job anymore - exhausts me. I hesitate to go into it any further but I truly wonder somedays how much longer I can last before I literally lose my mind. I used to love my job and I truly do love what I do - just not the "who" of my job. I thankfully got another raise recently, although it's hard to call something that will net you about $30 extra per month a raise, but whatever. I know, I know. Better than 0. But 0 is at least honest. Sometimes raises like the one I got feel like more of a slap in the face than they do a "adda girl." There are indeed some 9-5, straight 40-hour-workweeks out there, but my job sure as hell isn't one of them. I come in early, I'm there late, I'm there weekends. I've brought work home and I do work from home when I'm sick and on vacation. What I wouldn't give for a summer vacation.......!
3. Speaking of that, I heard on the radio the other day that people who have desk jobs are at an exponentially higher risk for heart attacks/ heart disease than those who are up moving around (ie factory work, teachers, nurses, doctors, movers and landscapers, what have you) in their jobs. At first I was alarmed because I thought to myself, 'Yeah, most days I come and sure feel like collapsing instead of running or anything else' - but then someone called in and said, "I think that it has to do less with those desk job people moving around less and more with the stress that those with desk jobs have to deal with." Amen.
4. Hopefully, by the end of the weekend, I will have a new (to me) car. The Malibu is just under 150,000 miles and we have just poured money into it as of late. New tires, new brake work, hub bearing replacement, more brake work. I've had it since January of 2005 when it had about 60,000 miles on it, and I have driven that car EVERYwhere. Countless trips between Muncie & Terre Haute, Muncie & Columbus, Terre Haute & Columbus, plus the cross-town commutes the first year we lived here and now. I'm sad to give up a no-car-payment life, but it's time.
5. It is August 16. Holy hell. Does anyone else realize that Christmas is only 18 weeks away (sorry, Ashley!)?! Before we can even worry about that, though, we have to figure out this "we have to move out of these apartments before I go nuts and now is just not the time to buy a house" situation. Our lease doesn't end until October 31, so we have some time, but we need to get moving, and quick. I'm hoping we can rent a house......there aren't many 3 bedroom apartments anywhere, and plus........I'm tired of apartments.
6. That's about it. Hope you are all doing well in the world!!!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
I'm frustrated. I'm frustrated and angry and annoyed with myself, and there's no one to blame BUT myself. Last March, I decided I had had it with my appearance. I started watching what I ate - still eating everything I wanted, but in smaller portions. I counted everything that went in my mouth - which was good b/c I love numbers (who knew?) and was able to make it a game everyday. I did really really well. I eventually got down to 8 pounds below my wedding day weight and only about 16 pounds from where I see my realistic goal weight being.
Enter vacation. Vacation was great. A whole week in the Outer Banks, and I had never felt better about myself in a two-piece.
Enter post-vacation. Holidays and cold weather came and I had nothing to hold myself accountable for.
Enter now.
All of that weight is back. It's back! I'm disgusted with myself. Disgusted. I know how to do it. I know how to control my portions. But yet everytime I have a meal I feel like I am seeing food for the last time. Why!? I've tried to get back on the wagon a few times in the last couple of months but I just fall right off.
What the f. Seriously.
Willpower. That's what it takes. There is no quick fix (contrary to some who think there is) - it is literally your calories IN MUST be LESS than your calories OUT. That's it. I proved it last year! My mom has proven it over the last 4 years.
So, no current solutions. Just annoyed and sad when every morning I look at all my pants and capris and shorts and know that I can't fit into half of them. Or 90% of them. I'm just in "that place" right now, and it sickens me. I need to get OUT.
Secondly, and I'm going here b/c this is where I get to use this as a true journal and not just a superficial place to skim over the tops of my thoughts, so read if you will. No judging allowed. Dipshit got married this weekend (last I heard). If I had to pinpoint a single feeling about it, I couldn't. I couldn't. It's like if you mix all the colors in the rainbow up, that's what I would be. Sad, happy, ecstatic, relieved, pissed off, annoyed, pensive, hopeful. Add all those up and that's how I feel about it. It has been over a 16 months since everything blew up and ended, and that is a GOOD thing. Seriously. A good thing. It's just - I don't know how to explain it in a public place like without sounding like an idiot or that I'm still pining for him - because I'm not. I guess I just wish him well, but at the same time I know that a relationship that was started on a lie (he divorced his first wife b/c of this girl....and we all know where that relationship has been since they've been together) can't and won't end well. So that's what all I'll say.
Anyway, my parents' 30th wedding anniversary was this weekend. That's how long Chris and I have been married so far.......times 10. *!!!!!!* My sister and I collaborated over the last month to throw them a surprise get together at a restaurant in Terre Haute and it turned out really well. Well, as good as a party can turn out with peach and yellow as its colors!! :)
Enter vacation. Vacation was great. A whole week in the Outer Banks, and I had never felt better about myself in a two-piece.
Enter post-vacation. Holidays and cold weather came and I had nothing to hold myself accountable for.
Enter now.
All of that weight is back. It's back! I'm disgusted with myself. Disgusted. I know how to do it. I know how to control my portions. But yet everytime I have a meal I feel like I am seeing food for the last time. Why!? I've tried to get back on the wagon a few times in the last couple of months but I just fall right off.
What the f. Seriously.
Willpower. That's what it takes. There is no quick fix (contrary to some who think there is) - it is literally your calories IN MUST be LESS than your calories OUT. That's it. I proved it last year! My mom has proven it over the last 4 years.
So, no current solutions. Just annoyed and sad when every morning I look at all my pants and capris and shorts and know that I can't fit into half of them. Or 90% of them. I'm just in "that place" right now, and it sickens me. I need to get OUT.
Secondly, and I'm going here b/c this is where I get to use this as a true journal and not just a superficial place to skim over the tops of my thoughts, so read if you will. No judging allowed. Dipshit got married this weekend (last I heard). If I had to pinpoint a single feeling about it, I couldn't. I couldn't. It's like if you mix all the colors in the rainbow up, that's what I would be. Sad, happy, ecstatic, relieved, pissed off, annoyed, pensive, hopeful. Add all those up and that's how I feel about it. It has been over a 16 months since everything blew up and ended, and that is a GOOD thing. Seriously. A good thing. It's just - I don't know how to explain it in a public place like without sounding like an idiot or that I'm still pining for him - because I'm not. I guess I just wish him well, but at the same time I know that a relationship that was started on a lie (he divorced his first wife b/c of this girl....and we all know where that relationship has been since they've been together) can't and won't end well. So that's what all I'll say.

People still tick me off with their complete lack of etiquette and literally nobody from my dad's step-family (who've been our "step family" for longer than I've been alive) showed up, let alone responded. Whatever.
Good thing that the people who came were all wonderful and I think my mom & dad were really pleased. Aren't they cute? Yes, we made them do a cake cutting ceremony :) Dad was less than thrilled, but Megan & I looked on like proud parents and took pictures!
Work is also frustrating right now, but fortunately I don't dread going in everyday like I did before - my boss is absolutely fantastic. It's just like it never ends. I get my arms around one thing and then another thing blows up. Tired. So, so tired.
Anyway. I've been a Negative Nancy lately. Sorry. I just need to get over myself and get on with it. There a lot of exciting things coming up soon and I want to enjoy them all!
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