I voted for the first time today as a resident of the Buckeye State (I voted absentee in Indiana in 2008 b/c I didn't get my butt in gear to register here in time).
What a cool thing voting is.
Now, I am THRILLED TO DEATH that this day is almost over, because with today's end, so comes the end of all of the yard signs, billboards.......and worst of all, all the tv and radio ads. The negative, bashing, awful ads that do more to point out opponents' doings than their own. To tell you the truth, I didn't even really think about who I was going to vote for until today at work, but then I was able to go online, put in my address, and compare candidates and issues that I would be voting on. I did the same thing for EVERY comparison........scrolled right down to the bottom of the page to the question: "Bottom line: why should people vote for you?" and marked down my choices based on their answers. I did, as expected, vote more Republican than Democrat, but there were a few in there. If only every politician did what they said they would do.....but we'd never know if we didn't vote! I think that everyone can agree that the way that the system has been operating in recent years hasn't been working. We'll see if change really comes.
Anyway. On a lighter note (well, not so light to me....sad face)......I bought my first night cream a couple weeks ago. Anti wrinkle night cream. It wasn't expensive, just Garnier brand, but I'm seriously starting to notice some changes in my skin and face (or maybe it's more me being paranoid, but still). I also bought some eye stuff......by the end of everyday, I look like I've been punched in both eyes. Dark circles, puffy.......sick.
A little vanity never killed anybody. Too bad at this time of year, I really like to tan.........but then I wonder why I'm getting little wrinkles. Nikki, be smart. (Oh, but how I love tanning).......
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