Thank the dear Lord. This week is finally over.
It has been a long, and stressful, and BUSY week. It was finally made official this week that I am leaving the only branch I've worked at since I moved here, and moving to the other side of town. The new BA for my branch starts Monday.
I'm really excited for the opportunity to move........and just ready to get the next couple of weeks over with. I'm a horrible teacher (just as I was horrible at group projects as a kid; I wanted things done my way and my pace) and I'm really nervous about shoving the last 2.5 years of what I know into the next week or so. I know I'll only be across town, but while I don't want to overwhelm the poor girl, I don't want to leave anything out. Plus, I'm ready to get settled in with my new team, who hasn't had a steady BA for a year and a half-------which equals the whole place has run amuck (amuk?) for all that time, and is a mess. Fortunately, process is my middle name........if I am nothing else, I know how to do things by the book!
But this week was just crazy - between month end, the old East BA quitting, the North BA on a spontaneous vacation and other random things...............I'm exhausted. I cannot wait to sleep in in the morning.
Alleluia weekend.
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