Monday, March 21, 2011

3500 (calories)

Seriously, I envy those that can so eloquently put their thoughts into words. Me, I just ramble and ramble and ramble...........

Stalking a blog (Heir to Blair) that I found via my friend Ashley :) - I saw this quote that SHE had gotten from a blog that SHE liked. Very profound, but so very simple.

"How long does it take you to burn 500 calories? On a good day - 50 minutes. But how long does it take you to inadvertently eat 500 calories? If queso, chocolate, beer or any of our other favorites are involved - about 5 seconds."

Isn't THAT the truth?!?! Fortunately, running burns at a slightly higher rate than that, but not by much, and I don't run enough for the crap I for some reason can't stop putting in my body. Last spring/ summer I was doing so well, tracking every morsel that passed my lips. It WORKED!! I didn't have to deprive myself of ANYthing - literally - moderation, moderation, moderation.

I've got to get back on this wagon. I know that some of the weight I've put back on is to blame for some of my runs being harder on my legs. Plus, I just don't feel good about myself like I started to last year. Plus, I'd like to get (and keep) some off before we start trying for a baby! There are plenty of reasons to jump back on.

I just keep finding the ones to stay off.

I just found a great quote online (gosh, I love a good quote!): "Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses."

Back on. Now.

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