Friday, October 2, 2009

T-11 hours

Well, we're 11 hours away from moving day...and I'm just ready for it to be over!! I counted it up, and this will be the 11th time I've moved since I started college in August 2002 (moving between BSU and Terre Haute and to the different houses/ apartments I lived in). I told Chris, with total certainty, that we will not be moving again after this until we buy a house, and we're not buying a house until we know for sure we're going to be here (or wherever) for at least 5 years.

While packing sucks, and switching our address is a pain, and going through stuff (and wondering where it all came from) is a pain...I'm kind of looking forward to moving to a new place. We're on the northeast side of Columbus right now, and we'll be on the northwest side of Columbus after the move (actually, our address is a Dublin, OH address). It's a lot closer to my work (unfortunately not to Chris', but he doesn't have to be at work until 10, so he doesn't have to deal with any kind of rush hour), and while I love where we're at now, I love that side of town too. Not to mention, the best factor is the money we'll be saving...about 50 sq ft less for almost $100 less per month...and only one floor! Living on 2 has been alright, but I miss having my w/d on the same floor as my bedroom!! Plus, Dublin is where Chris was when he first moved over here, so it's the part of Columbus that I knew first. Besides, it's just that much closer to Indiana....(hint, hint, friends and family!!! :)) It will also be nice to move into a place that is automatically "ours." Chris had lived in our current apartment for about 2 months by the time I came over, so he had to adjust to someone living in "his" space. This time, both of our names are on the lease, and we'll be able to decide things together (rather than him deciding, then me changing it when he went to work and I wasn't working those first few weeks after our honeymoon!).

So, tomorrow is going to be a long, long, lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnng day. We're getting up early to get some breakfast (McD diet coke, especially!), and go get the moving truck, then some of his friends from work are coming over to help. Since it rained 2 days this week here, most of the guys I work with have to work they all got lucky! We're hoping to get everything over there in one shot, unload, then come back and clean the apartment from top to bottom (although we've gotten a pretty good start in the last couple of weeks). It'll be a long day, and a late night, but that means Sunday we only have to be up for the cable/ Internet guy between 12-4, watch the Cowboys at 4:15, and then we both have Monday off to re-coop and get settled.

Moral of the story? Come on, Sunday!!! :)

Wish us luck!

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