Monday, July 30, 2012


Warning: vent ahead.  I apologize in advance.

Either I'm getting extra crabby in my old age, or people are just really annoying lately.  Is that just me? 

Anyone could tell you that I'm opinionated.  I'm bossy.  But I'm smart.  And I work hard.  And I hate confrontation.

And for that last fact alone, I'll censor myself on 98% of what I want to say 99% of the time.  Seriously?  I'm 28, when will I stop caring what other people think?

Not sure whether it's the big presidential election coming up (even my fellow Republicans have been having a tendency to get on my nerves, but Democrats, geesh, just as bad - can't we all just get along??)

Or summer coming to an end (not going to lie, I'm stoked at the idea of it not being 90 degrees everyday for weeks) which means everyone gets to be in the same boat of working everyday (I really do love all my teacher friends, but if I see one more post about having a "no schedule" day, I'm gonna flip....I don't work 8-5 shifts [or 40 hour weeks, EVER], I NEVER get lunch breaks, I sometimes work weekends, I take work home too!)

Or the recent shooting

Or this baby business

Or this Chick-Fil-A crap (seriously.  LET IT GO.  I have gay friends and I'm still going to eat there!  Get over it!), but I have hidden more posts and defriended more people on facebook in the last couple weeks than I can remember.  I'm fairly sure I've scared most of the guys I work with (moreso than usual) into silence forever (seriously, how hard are timesheets to keep track of???)

Work is....meh.  My best friend that I've made here was made through Brickman and she left.  She still lives in Cbus and I'll still get to see her, but it's not the same.  The day she told me she was leaving, I burst into tears.  (Clomid wasn't helping.........)

I don't know what it is, but if I could just disappear into a hole for awhile and come out and everyone just be NICE and not so damned UPPITY, that'd be GREAT.

Lord help me. 

On a happy camp started today....which means first preseason game is in 2! weeks, and regular season kickoff is 5 weeks! from Wednesday.  I'm really optimistic about the team this year....but....we all know what that optimism has turned to in the past.  So we'll say I'm CAUTIOUSLY hopeful, how about that?

Oh, and I can't tear myself away from the Olympics, nor can I stop myself from tearing up everytime one of our girls or boys wins (or loses, in the case of Jordyn Wieber....bless her heart!)  Good thing they're only on once every 4 years.

That's all.  Buenos noches.

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