It's 12:22 am.
I have to be at work in 6 hours and 38 minutes.
I'm so disappointed in this Cowboys team. So talented and we had this game in hand.....look like we have completely given up and then make a game of it with 39 seconds to go.........and lose it.
Romo is out for ???? with a broken clavicle.
And the media vultures will feast.
Only once has a team gone 1-5 and made the 1970....that was 40 years ago.
Can they still turn it around?
Maybe. And I'll still watch with hope every week.
But Jerry. A new coach. A new OC. Please?
Staying up to see press conferences to see how bad the clavicle is on Romo.
Our upcoming schedule:
11/7 @ Green Bay (Sunday Night Football - awesome)
11/14 @ NYG
11/25 NEW ORLEANS (Thanksgiving Day)
12/5 @ Indy
12/26 @ Arizona
1/3 @ Philadelphia
Realistically speaking.......with potentially having no Romo for the rest of the season? Winning 4 of those.........making this season 5-11.
5-11 was a lot easier to handle in the early 2000's when we had 0 talent. We have the talent now. Just no heart. :(
Signing off,
A Bewildered Cowboys fan
^ a reporter said that word and I can't think of a better one at the moment.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Parody in the NFL
I love football. I really, really do. My Cowboys don't play until tonight, but that didn't mean I had nothing to watch yesterday.
Loved watching Philly get beat by Tennessee.
Didn't really like seeing Washington win, but loved watching Jay Cutler get made to look like the doucebaggy-overrated QB he is.
Buffalo almost beat Baltimore - are you kidding?
Cleveland beat New Orleans 30-17. If I didn't have N.O. ST/ D in my fantasy (this week ONLY b/c the Jets are on a bye) that earned a whopping -3 points, I would've been laughing.
Atlanta beat Cincy - seriously, Cincy had a fluke season last year.
Refs pull one out for Pittsburgh (sick).
Oakland puts 59 on Denver on the ROAD?
I love it. Now I'm anxiously awaiting what basically boils down to a playoff game for Dallas tonight....I'm almost afraid to watch. But I will. Holding my breath the whole time....let's just hope they don't almost come back to win and LOSE in the final minute, because that'll just keep me up pissed off. Lame, I know.
This weekend was so nice and relaxing. We walked around the mall on Saturday, getting ideas for Christmas (and me giving Chris ideas for my bday :)) and just wandering. Went grocery shopping, went home and I took a nap (I LOVE naps), woke up and went to dinner (gotta love buy one entree get one free! We ate the Rusty Bucket - a chain in Cbus with really good food and sports). Yesterday we laid around some more and I got a run in. That was about it! It was nice :)
8 hours 45 minutes to go til kickoff. Definitely thinking it's naptime after work!!
Loved watching Philly get beat by Tennessee.
Didn't really like seeing Washington win, but loved watching Jay Cutler get made to look like the doucebaggy-overrated QB he is.
Buffalo almost beat Baltimore - are you kidding?
Cleveland beat New Orleans 30-17. If I didn't have N.O. ST/ D in my fantasy (this week ONLY b/c the Jets are on a bye) that earned a whopping -3 points, I would've been laughing.
Atlanta beat Cincy - seriously, Cincy had a fluke season last year.
Refs pull one out for Pittsburgh (sick).
Oakland puts 59 on Denver on the ROAD?
I love it. Now I'm anxiously awaiting what basically boils down to a playoff game for Dallas tonight....I'm almost afraid to watch. But I will. Holding my breath the whole time....let's just hope they don't almost come back to win and LOSE in the final minute, because that'll just keep me up pissed off. Lame, I know.
This weekend was so nice and relaxing. We walked around the mall on Saturday, getting ideas for Christmas (and me giving Chris ideas for my bday :)) and just wandering. Went grocery shopping, went home and I took a nap (I LOVE naps), woke up and went to dinner (gotta love buy one entree get one free! We ate the Rusty Bucket - a chain in Cbus with really good food and sports). Yesterday we laid around some more and I got a run in. That was about it! It was nice :)
8 hours 45 minutes to go til kickoff. Definitely thinking it's naptime after work!!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Gotta Love Marilyn
"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together." — Marilyn Monroe
How many changes have I gone through in the last 2 years? How many things have I had to learn the hard way to get to today? It hasn't always been the easiest road since August 30, 2008, but in the 2 years and 2 months since then - boy, have I learned a lot.
Who's there for me, who's not. Who wants to judge and who sticks by me. Where I can go, where I can't. Why my faith is so important, who I can really trust, and why I know that if you truly love each other, you can make it through anything.
Happy Friday!
How many changes have I gone through in the last 2 years? How many things have I had to learn the hard way to get to today? It hasn't always been the easiest road since August 30, 2008, but in the 2 years and 2 months since then - boy, have I learned a lot.
Who's there for me, who's not. Who wants to judge and who sticks by me. Where I can go, where I can't. Why my faith is so important, who I can really trust, and why I know that if you truly love each other, you can make it through anything.
Happy Friday!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Fall Cleaning
I've done a lot of cleaning lately.
Chris and I have basically gone room by room and cleaned top to bottom in our apartment, just like we were moving out. It felt good to go through a lot of the old stuff, to de-clutter (some) and just CLEAN. It's amazing what you hold on from year to year, thinking you just MIGHT do something with it someday, or need it someday. Yeah, a lot of that went in the trash this time around. (Except for the box filled with our wedding cards, leftover invitations, flower petals, programs and candles. I will do something with all that someday. Someday soon. I need to, at least).
I've also taken a lot of time over the last few weeks to get my life in order at work. It's amazing; I spend 45-60 hours a week in a small office that's maybe....what? 15x10? I don't know dimensions....but it's amazing how much crap piles up. Of course, there is some stuff I have to keep....but I've purged a lot of old crap that I (again) thought I might need someday. But I haven't. So a lot of old stuff - buh bye. I mean, who really needs 11 different sized binders, in various states of falling apart and use?
And last week, I went through my list of over 630 facebook friends. I'm now down to 563. Didn't like ya in high school - why am I friends with you now? Had one class with you sophomore year of college - don't even remember what class that was. You generally annoy me with your whiny/ passive-aggressive/ slutty/ dramatic statuses - you're gone. Who the hell ARE you? Did I even know you in the first place? Yup, you're gone.
It feels good to de-clutter. Simplify. Get back to the things that matter. Clear out the bad.
Things like that are easy to see your progress. Getting your head in order and thoughts in line can be harder sometimes, but fortunately, I'm finding out everyday that it literally just takes mind over matter. You can be negative. You can look for the sad things, the bad things; you can pick up on the drama in other peoples' lives. But at the end of the day - you have to go to sleep with your own thoughts, and be content with yourself.
On that note - good night. Sweet dreams. :)
Chris and I have basically gone room by room and cleaned top to bottom in our apartment, just like we were moving out. It felt good to go through a lot of the old stuff, to de-clutter (some) and just CLEAN. It's amazing what you hold on from year to year, thinking you just MIGHT do something with it someday, or need it someday. Yeah, a lot of that went in the trash this time around. (Except for the box filled with our wedding cards, leftover invitations, flower petals, programs and candles. I will do something with all that someday. Someday soon. I need to, at least).
I've also taken a lot of time over the last few weeks to get my life in order at work. It's amazing; I spend 45-60 hours a week in a small office that's maybe....what? 15x10? I don't know dimensions....but it's amazing how much crap piles up. Of course, there is some stuff I have to keep....but I've purged a lot of old crap that I (again) thought I might need someday. But I haven't. So a lot of old stuff - buh bye. I mean, who really needs 11 different sized binders, in various states of falling apart and use?
And last week, I went through my list of over 630 facebook friends. I'm now down to 563. Didn't like ya in high school - why am I friends with you now? Had one class with you sophomore year of college - don't even remember what class that was. You generally annoy me with your whiny/ passive-aggressive/ slutty/ dramatic statuses - you're gone. Who the hell ARE you? Did I even know you in the first place? Yup, you're gone.
It feels good to de-clutter. Simplify. Get back to the things that matter. Clear out the bad.
Things like that are easy to see your progress. Getting your head in order and thoughts in line can be harder sometimes, but fortunately, I'm finding out everyday that it literally just takes mind over matter. You can be negative. You can look for the sad things, the bad things; you can pick up on the drama in other peoples' lives. But at the end of the day - you have to go to sleep with your own thoughts, and be content with yourself.
On that note - good night. Sweet dreams. :)
Monday, October 18, 2010
It's Fall Y'all
What a dumb title. I suck at coming up with creative titles to these things.
What a great weekend. I left work early on Friday to make it to Terre Haute by about 6:30. My mom, at my request, made homemade meatloaf, mashed potatoes and meatloaf gravy. SO good. Chris won't let me make him meatloaf, and even if he did, it wouldn't be as good as Mom's. After dinner, my dad & I went to The Terminal (a sports bar on ISU's campus) to drown our sorrows over the Cowboys. We ended up talking to the producers of the ESPN radio station in Terre Haute who recruited my dad to be a weekly local caller. It was really funny! He just knows so much about so many sports that he's fun to talk to (as long as you're a fan of his teams....the Cowboys ((duh)), St. Louis Cardinals, LA Lakers and #48 Jimmie Johnson ((he got started on that from Anthony))). We played a little pool and hung out, and it was cool. The guys he was talking to thought it was cool he was having a drink with his daughter, and I did too ;-)
Saturday morning, I woke up at an ungodly hour for me (8:45) to run a 5K with my mom (who walked it). It was my first one ever, and it was COLD, but I did pretty well for the couple of decent hills and the temperature. I finished in 31:38 and in 3rd place in my age division! Mom finished 4th (really 3rd....the 1st place walker a lot of people think cheated.....and she left before awards even started.....I'm sorry, if you know you won, wouldn't you stick around? But she's a good sport and was proud of her 41:40 finish).
We went right home and changed, picked up Megan & headed to Bridgeton's Covered Bridge Festival. It was such a great afternoon. We shopped just about every stand and shop and got some great deals. I got started with Christmas shopping with my dad's gift and my white elephant gift for Chris' family, plus a couple little things for the house & myself. We walked alot, laughed a lot, and just enjoyed each other's company. It was so fun. That night, the 3 of us went to dinner while Anthony went to a girl's Sweet 16 party (He's a heartbreaker. Those poor girls. He's tall, he's funny, he always wears cologne & smells good, he wears nice clothes and is cute. All added up, girls just fall all over him) and Dad stayed at home to watch the race. Again....lots of laughs. I absolutely love my mom & sister. They are truly my best friends in this world, besides Chris. They know me better than almost anyone, they know how to make me laugh, they let me cry on their shoulders, and even after my worst mistakes, I know they're there.
Anyway. Yesterday wasn't as great as a day. I wanted to stay home an extra day but....couldn't. Had to come back. Ended up having to listen to the Cowboys game on AM radio which was just as well. They suck. Mike & Mike did a game this morning, "5 Words That Describe Your Team"....I came up with plenty (When is Jimmy coming back? Too many stupid unnecessary penalties. No reason to start celebrating. When will Wade be fired? Players not being held accountable). But somehow, people aren't writing them off yet. I wish I could just say to hell with it and not get worked up for next Monday night's game....but we all know that's impossible. Got to bed too late last night (damn my need to talk things out instead of just letting them rest with Chris) and went to work in a foul mood this morning.
But, as they say -
Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.
What a great weekend. I left work early on Friday to make it to Terre Haute by about 6:30. My mom, at my request, made homemade meatloaf, mashed potatoes and meatloaf gravy. SO good. Chris won't let me make him meatloaf, and even if he did, it wouldn't be as good as Mom's. After dinner, my dad & I went to The Terminal (a sports bar on ISU's campus) to drown our sorrows over the Cowboys. We ended up talking to the producers of the ESPN radio station in Terre Haute who recruited my dad to be a weekly local caller. It was really funny! He just knows so much about so many sports that he's fun to talk to (as long as you're a fan of his teams....the Cowboys ((duh)), St. Louis Cardinals, LA Lakers and #48 Jimmie Johnson ((he got started on that from Anthony))). We played a little pool and hung out, and it was cool. The guys he was talking to thought it was cool he was having a drink with his daughter, and I did too ;-)
Saturday morning, I woke up at an ungodly hour for me (8:45) to run a 5K with my mom (who walked it). It was my first one ever, and it was COLD, but I did pretty well for the couple of decent hills and the temperature. I finished in 31:38 and in 3rd place in my age division! Mom finished 4th (really 3rd....the 1st place walker a lot of people think cheated.....and she left before awards even started.....I'm sorry, if you know you won, wouldn't you stick around? But she's a good sport and was proud of her 41:40 finish).
We went right home and changed, picked up Megan & headed to Bridgeton's Covered Bridge Festival. It was such a great afternoon. We shopped just about every stand and shop and got some great deals. I got started with Christmas shopping with my dad's gift and my white elephant gift for Chris' family, plus a couple little things for the house & myself. We walked alot, laughed a lot, and just enjoyed each other's company. It was so fun. That night, the 3 of us went to dinner while Anthony went to a girl's Sweet 16 party (He's a heartbreaker. Those poor girls. He's tall, he's funny, he always wears cologne & smells good, he wears nice clothes and is cute. All added up, girls just fall all over him) and Dad stayed at home to watch the race. Again....lots of laughs. I absolutely love my mom & sister. They are truly my best friends in this world, besides Chris. They know me better than almost anyone, they know how to make me laugh, they let me cry on their shoulders, and even after my worst mistakes, I know they're there.
Anyway. Yesterday wasn't as great as a day. I wanted to stay home an extra day but....couldn't. Had to come back. Ended up having to listen to the Cowboys game on AM radio which was just as well. They suck. Mike & Mike did a game this morning, "5 Words That Describe Your Team"....I came up with plenty (When is Jimmy coming back? Too many stupid unnecessary penalties. No reason to start celebrating. When will Wade be fired? Players not being held accountable). But somehow, people aren't writing them off yet. I wish I could just say to hell with it and not get worked up for next Monday night's game....but we all know that's impossible. Got to bed too late last night (damn my need to talk things out instead of just letting them rest with Chris) and went to work in a foul mood this morning.
But, as they say -
Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Happy October (?!?!????)
I can't believe that this time in 3 months, we'll be in 2011. Sigh. Time. It goes so fast....

My last post was Debbie Downer....and not much has changed, but I know I have to change my attitude. What good is it going to do to just complain and be pissed off all the time?
There has been a lot going on at work. We came THIIIIIIIIIIIIIS close to losing Columbus' biggest client (and the company's biggest, too)....fortunately, they decided not to cancel on us, but that means a lot of changes for everybody in Columbus....and unfortunately, only a small percentage of those changes are in black and white. A lot of it is going to be figured out as we go, which wouldn't be a big deal, except snow planning is in full swing. Ack. Job security, I guess.
There has been a lot going on at work. We came THIIIIIIIIIIIIIS close to losing Columbus' biggest client (and the company's biggest, too)....fortunately, they decided not to cancel on us, but that means a lot of changes for everybody in Columbus....and unfortunately, only a small percentage of those changes are in black and white. A lot of it is going to be figured out as we go, which wouldn't be a big deal, except snow planning is in full swing. Ack. Job security, I guess.
Babies. Babies are falling out of the sky. Literally, everyday for the last month there has been someone new on my newsfeed that is expecting a little one. I'm thrilled for all of them, but man does it add to the baby fever that has been in full swing for about 6 months now. But again...I know we're not ready for a baby yet....and hopefully when we are, it's because WE have truly made a good, conscious decision that is good for US, and isn't just a product of the outside world.
Anyway, the weekend was fun. Went to Indy on Saturday....left at 5pm and were back to Cbus by 7:30 on Sunday. Saturday night, we hung out at the house of one of Chris' fraternity brothers (they are buying it from his g/f's parents, who own a pharm company....this house is AMAZING and I wanted them to adopt me!!!!) and spent the night at another one of Chris' fraternity brothers (he and his wife are expecting!). Sunday, a bunch of friends who I haven't seen in way too long gathered at Ashley's house for Jenn's baby shower. I thought it was weird enough to be in all of my friends' weddings (well, not Jenn's, but hers doesn't count b/c she only had her sister!) - that seemed like a pretty grown up step. But having babies? There are no words. It blows my mind........

All I know is that it's hard to not REALLY REALLY want a baby when my friend from work pic-texts me a little Cowboys onesie..........
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