I've done a lot of cleaning lately.
Chris and I have basically gone room by room and cleaned top to bottom in our apartment, just like we were moving out. It felt good to go through a lot of the old stuff, to de-clutter (some) and just CLEAN. It's amazing what you hold on from year to year, thinking you just MIGHT do something with it someday, or need it someday. Yeah, a lot of that went in the trash this time around. (Except for the box filled with our wedding cards, leftover invitations, flower petals, programs and candles. I will do something with all that someday. Someday soon. I need to, at least).
I've also taken a lot of time over the last few weeks to get my life in order at work. It's amazing; I spend 45-60 hours a week in a small office that's maybe....what? 15x10? I don't know dimensions....but it's amazing how much crap piles up. Of course, there is some stuff I have to keep....but I've purged a lot of old crap that I (again) thought I might need someday. But I haven't. So a lot of old stuff - buh bye. I mean, who really needs 11 different sized binders, in various states of falling apart and use?
And last week, I went through my list of over 630 facebook friends. I'm now down to 563. Didn't like ya in high school - why am I friends with you now? Had one class with you sophomore year of college - don't even remember what class that was. You generally annoy me with your whiny/ passive-aggressive/ slutty/ dramatic statuses - you're gone. Who the hell ARE you? Did I even know you in the first place? Yup, you're gone.
It feels good to de-clutter. Simplify. Get back to the things that matter. Clear out the bad.
Things like that are easy to see your progress. Getting your head in order and thoughts in line can be harder sometimes, but fortunately, I'm finding out everyday that it literally just takes mind over matter. You can be negative. You can look for the sad things, the bad things; you can pick up on the drama in other peoples' lives. But at the end of the day - you have to go to sleep with your own thoughts, and be content with yourself.
On that note - good night. Sweet dreams. :)
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