We haven't really been that busy lately (for once), but everytime I think about blogging, I just don't. Not much happening lately, either, except....
1. We are officially in the 10%. Go for big test #1 tomorrow and I am scared shitless. I'm tired of being upset month after month about this; now I am just pissed. And if one more person who HAS a child, or has been pregnant before tells me they "know what I'm going through," they're getting punched. NO, you do NOT know what I'm going through, YOU have a healthy, living, breathing baby. YOUR body has a clue what it's supposed to be doing. Mine does not. Chris has been checked out and is fine. So the rounds of tests begin. Prayers appreciated.
2. Our 10th HS Reunion came and went at the end of July - we didn't go. Out of a 400-person class, there were approximately 75 people RSVP'd, and of those 75 people, 50 of them still live in Terre Haute and all still hang out together anyway. I stay in touch with the few HS friends I need and want to (Chris had more friends in the classes above and below us than in our own); we didn't see the point in making a special trip home just to see the select few we hadn't seen in awhile when we can always make plans at our own convenience. With the emergence of social media like facebook (which came out right around the time of what would've been our 5-year reunion; that year we all came to a mass decision to not even have one - what was the point? Either everyone was just getting out of college or was still in school), everyone knows what is up with everyone (marriage, kids, jobs) and what everyone looks like. What other point is there to going to a HS Reunion? So anyway, we didn't go. Maybe for our 20th. I just can't believe we've been out of HS for 10 years already, and it was this time 10 years ago I was moving into LaFollette Hall at Ball State as a freshman. Oh, the good 'ole days....
3. A couple of weeks ago, my mom FINALLY went in to have a hernia fixed.....she has had it for almost 3 years now but has kept putting it off and putting off until she couldn't anymore - and then of course it was a surgical emergency. Geez. It was awful being 4 hours away, but they were able to do it as an outpatient surgery and she was home the same day, and Dad & Anthony were with her. Throughout the day I was posting updates on my facebook for the few friends and family who knew what was going on (no matter how minor it's scary when someone has to go under local anesesthia for anything that you love!) and I was literally overwhelmed with the amount of support from our friends - facebook messages, texts, etc. Thankfully everything went great and she's now back to her old self but it's amazing how even when minor things are happening you have the core group of friends who don't care WHAT is happening, they actually give a shit and go out of their way to make sure you know that.
4. Our 4th anniversary is 2 weeks from today (again, how??? Time....flies.....). Not many people (including us, some days) thought we'd make it to 1, let alone 4, so every anniversary is that much more special. We are going to stay in TH for a couple of nights the weekend of Labor Day and then head to St. Louis for a couple days by ourselves, and I'm just looking forward to being AWAY. I'm taking the entire week of Labor Day off - we'll be home by Wednesday, but I would've taken Thursday off anyway since Dallas plays that Wednesday night (thank you DNC for moving what has always been a Thursday night game to Wednesday). It'll be nice to actually use some vacation time to actually reLAX, and not have to use the time for appointments or driving or moving. I have 2 full weeks left until a week off and I can't wait.
5. Summer is coming to an end (oh yeah, my baby brother started his SENIOR year of HS Tuesday.....he got a new car over the weekend........I am in COMPLETE denial about this whole thing!) and I, admittedly, am ready for fall. Football season (of course), cooler weather (seriously over this heat and humidity), pumpkin spice lattes from Starbucks, the holidays.....bring it all on! Except for the snow....that can stay the hell away. Work has been busy enough this year and I can't believe it's the middle of August already. Weren't we just closing 2011???
That's about it. Enjoy the storms, everyone!