Monday, June 27, 2011

Weekend 'O Fun

What a great weekend!  It was one of those weekends that was so fun and busy and productive that my alarm went off this morning and I rolled over thinking, "You idiot...way to turn your alarm off last night for a SATURDAY morning"........I just want to relive it!

But I DID actually set my alarm on Saturday morning........for about the first time since college, when I worked Saturday mornings at the bank.  Except this time was to be at Old Navy when they opened since all of their tank tops were on sale for $2.  (Yes, I'm realizing as I type this how pitiful that sounds.....).  Well, I got there and they had actually opened at SEVEN and clearly all of the normal sized people were up around then......since all that was left was EVERY SINGLE COLOR YOU COULD EVER WANT in XS and real people sizes, I had a great selection of brown, black, white and gray.  Oh, and navy.  At least there's nothing wrong with basic colors!  I then trapsied over to Kohl's where I found the very last 2 chairs that I've had my eye on for awhile....had been $130/ each and marked down to $55, THEN I had a 30% off coupon!  WHOO!

The rest of the day was spent lying by the pool (ahhhhhh), getting ready, seeing Billy Gardell (HILARIOUS), 2 for $20 at Applebee's (delish), and going to a strip club. 

Yup.  You read that right.  Let the judging begin.....after 8.5 years of being together, Chris finally convinced me.  Very interesting experience, felt a little weird, but not as bad as I'd thought.  Check that one off my bucket list ;-)  Two observations.  One, if you're a girl, you might as well be gold in there.  They treat you like a princess in those places!  Two.  Forget happy hour, their drink prices were awesome!  $3 jello shots, $2 Skyy vodka drinks.  Yum!  Frankly, it was about the fastest 2 hours I remember in recent times! 

Yesterday, we slept late and then headed to the east side of town to go to an open house of a 4-level split we saw online and really liked.  We had actually grabbed a paper and stopped by another open house of a bi-level house that we really liked.....then we spent 2 hours driving around the neighborhoods we'd like to be in, and wrote down addresses.  I talked to a realtor today and we're good to start looking whenever - WHOO!!  Fortunately for us, this is a FANTASTIC buyers' market, so if there's one thing we don't like in a house, we just move on.  We're not completely 100% sure that we'll buy a house, but we're leaning that way.  I'm never going to convince Chris to move any closer to Terre Haute besides St. Louis, so why move all the way over there just to be an hour closer to home?  So we'll see.  I don't see that we'd need to move in the forseeable future (5 years at least), we're going to take our time, look around, learn everything we can, and make the best decision.  There are definitely lots of good things out there!

Last night my cook of hubby grilled out THE best cheeseburgers EVER on the grill and we just enjoyed winding down the weekend. 

I do heart summer.

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