Its been awhile (almost 4 weeks, are you serious?!) since I wrote last. In a nutshell, the last month of my life:
Ran a 5K on 10/8 almost 6 minutes slower than the same race last year. Disgusted by it, I've tried to not think about it really since then, but it sickens me how just this side of 5.5 months ago I ran almost 4.5x that distance. Lame. Have. Got. To. Get. Back. To. Running. Or the gym. Or ANYTHING....
Friends Blake & Katie cancelled on us for this weekend on Tuesday which sucked, but turned out to be a good thing b/c our landlord called Wednesday night and we get to get into our house TOMORROW and not be charged until the end of the month as previously agreed!! So....the last 2 nights have been busy and frantic packing nights but at least we're getting it out of the way instead of letting it hang over our heads for 2 more weeks. PLUS, with Chris' fam coming over next weekend, they'll be able to see the new place! Have I mentioned how STOKED I am that tonight will be the last night EVER (I pray) to ever sleep in an apartment? Whether or not we stay in this house after our 2-year-lease-with-option-to-buy-anytime ends is obviously still up in the air, but I can't WAIT to be in a house, with a yard, and a garage, and 3 bedrooms.....
Why 3 bedrooms? Hopefully Baby King will make its pending arrival known sooner rather than later! Pray for baby dust. :)
Another good thing about the house? It's literally 2.0 miles down the road from my work. I GPS'd it. 2.0 miles. No more 35/ 40 minutes to go 15 miles at 6:30am. STOKED.
Cowboys had a bye last week and while it couldn't have come at a better time to get the team healthy, it means I've had to chew on the loss to the Lions for 12 days now. Who blows a TWENTY FOUR POINT LEAD to end up losing? Oh, no other team than Dallas, that's for damn sure.
So tonight it's more frantic packing and tomorrow moving all our big stuff and most of our little stuff, and then we'll have 2 weeks to get everything wrapped up at the old place. Just ready to be SETTLED!!
Oh, and who can believe Thanksgiving is a mere 41 days away, and Christmas just 72 away??!?! is it the middle of October already?